Interview: The Movement to Process Automation

Solutions Review recently had the chance to sit down with Red Hat’s Vice President & General Manager, Middleware – Mike Piech – in our Boston studio to discuss the movement of Business Process Management (BPM) technology to process automation. In this 17 minute interview, Piech explains how Cloud, Containers, DevOps and Microservices are all coming together to transform the way enterprises think about and build applications to automate business processes.
We also asked Piech about where he thought the BPM space is headed, gathered his thoughts on the future of BPM and where Red Hat fits into all of it. Check out the full interview below, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more.
Looking for more? Download our Business Process Management Buyer’s Guide for free to compare the top-24 products available on the market with full page vendor profiles. The guide includes four key capabilities to look for in a BPM platform, plus questions to ask before purchasing. It’s truly the perfect resource for anyone looking to find the right BPM for their business/organization, or those looking to replace an existing one.
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