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2014 Resolutions for Better Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Identity and Access Management Darren Platt CTO Symplified 2014 Resolutions

Identity and Access Management Darren Platt CTO Symplified 2014 ResolutionsDarren Platt, CTO at Symplified, offers a few suggestions for those organizations looking to improve their Identity and Access Management (IAM) processes in 2014. He points out that the rise in cloud, mobile technologies and increased access to data and information have changed the way business is done today. These new trends have also changed the way organizations need to address security, access and identity management. Platt offers 3 resolutions that he writes will, “lead you to simpler, more secure and more effective identity management in today’s enterprise environment that seems to have no boundaries.”

·         I will not create any new redundant user management systems:

“If your enterprise already has a repository where its users’ information is maintained – the way we use Active Directory for employees today – then use that existing directory rather than create a new one for every application or use case.”

·         I will let my customers use existing online identities whenever possible:

“You’ll be giving them a simple user experience they’re already familiar with, and they won’t have to maintain a new credential. When your customer is another company, let it authenticate users for you using standard federation protocols. While you might want to track information about end users, you can still enable a third party to authenticate them at runtime.  Help desk savings will be significant.”

·         I will enable my Native Mobile Application developers with Identity tools:

“Enterprises are quickly building out a portfolio of native mobile applications for their employees to use. If you’re one of these companies, you must leverage existing user accounts rather than creating new accounts within these applications.”

Click here to read more from Platt and for the complete 2014 resolutions you should commit to.


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