Druva Announces Cloud Tool for Backup, Archival & Recovery

Druva today announced new Disaster Recovery functionalities to extend its converged cloud-based data protection solution for enterprise infrastructure, Druva Phoenix. Phoenix, originally released a year ago, was the first solution to provide backup and archival of both physical and virtual server environments direct to the cloud. Druva Phoenix creates a single platform supporting multiple disparate data protection capabilities. The integrated public cloud offering eliminates software, expensive hardware, tapes and process complexity while saving enterprise organizations from one-third to one-fifth of their total operating costs. Phoenix is built on Amazon Web Services, and leverages the elasticity of the public cloud, global presence and security. This allows companies to store, protect and manage large volumes of data with ease, efficiency and effectiveness.
Phoenix’s new recovery capability allows organizations to continuously back up their VMware environments and automatically recovery and spin up their VMs in the AWS public cloud, ensuring continuity. This eliminates the need for additional dedicated on-premise software, storage or hardware, which reduces cost and improves agility. With its advanced configuration settings, Phoenix provides the setup of detailed policies to automate network and security failover to a recovery environment, reducing downtime. In addition, administrators can automatically spin up multiple copies of VMs across geographies and accounts for test and dev automation.
Druva Phoenix unifies hot, warm and cold backup and archiving processes, performing backups and restoring 20 times faster than other tools to ensure that organizations meet their recovery objectives. Druva’s cloud architecture creates a single converged platform that scales to support multiple workloads while natively using AWS storage. The risk and cost associated with maintaining multiple copies is eliminated since only a single copy of data is stored.
Druva Phoenix isn’t all Disaster Recovery, the new solution also includes the following:
- Unified Backup and Recovery for Physical and Virtual Environments: Removes the need for multi-vendor approaches and provides backups for greater storage flexibility and recovery.
- Archiving: Automates storage management and provides infinite retention ensuring data can be held and securely stored for as long as needed.
- Test & Dev: Boots a copy of a virtual image in the cloud, giving companies the ability to create a replica of the production environment.
- Integrated Analytics: Converging multiple services provides administrators unified visibility to data and usage patterns.
Druva Phoenix backup and archival is available now. Integrated Disaster Recovery is available on a limited basis and will be generally available in 60 days. Click here to learn more.