VaultLogix Ensures Critical Data Backup with Premier Care

VaultLogix recently announced the release of Premier Care, a comprehensive backup monitoring solution designed to ensure clients are backing up all of their critical files, applications and databases. Proactive monitoring by one of the company’s certified experts ensures that backups run smoothly. If a backup issue happens to occur, a VaultLogix representative will notify the customer about the issue and provide a method for correction.
The company’s press release adds: “The addition of Premier Care to the VaultLogix Advantage platform follows the recent release of CloudArc, a long-term cloud archiving solution, and ImagePlus, a component of the Advantage Cloud backup solution allowing for local imaging and fast disaster recovery.”
Not only does VaultLogix Premier Care ensure that user backups are working correctly and alerts the user if they are not, but the solution even goes so far as supplying users with a bi-annual audit to ensure the most important data is being backed up. VaultLogix adds: “The technical infrastructure of a business is always changing and Premier Care audits help to ensure that you’re not forgetting to back up a new server, that you’re not still backing up a decommissioned server, and that generally everything is running as it should.”
Tim Hannibal, Senior VP of Cloud Solutions at VaultLogix concludes: “We want to make sure our customers are getting the best backup solution, and we understand how important it is to know their data is being backed up safely in the case of a disaster or data loss issue. Premier Care adds the peace of mind that customers want. The cost of managing and monitoring backup sets is high, especially for our channel partners. We want to ease this burden and ensure our client’s data is safe and there when they need it.”