Business Intelligence Buyer's Guide

The 4 Best Predictive Analytics Certifications Online for 2023

Best Predictive Analytics Certifications

Best Predictive Analytics Certifications

The editors at Solutions Review have compiled this list of the best predictive analytics certifications online to consider acquiring.

SR Finds 106The core focus of predictive modeling is to use explanatory variables from past occurrences and exploit them to predict the previously unknown future. The accuracy and usability of predictive analytics is wholly dependent on how granular the analysis has been run and the type of assumptions that are being made. Forward-thinking organizations will utilize predictive models for a variety of business functions. Some of the most common ways this type of analysis is being used is to detect fraud, optimize marketing campaigns, improve operations, and to manage risk.

With this in mind, we’ve compiled this list of the best predictive analytics certifications from leading online professional education platforms and notable universities. The certifications listed offer students the training they need to develop new skills and advance their careers. This is not an exhaustive list, but one that features the best predictive analytics certifications online from trusted institutions. We made sure to include certificate descriptions and Solutions Review’s personal take on each.

Note: The best predictive analytics certifications are listed in alphabetical order by platform.

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The Best Best Predictive Analytics Certifications

TITLE: SAS Statistical Business Analyst Professional Certificate

OUR TAKE: This hands-on certificate program will prepare you to acquire SAS statistics, modeling, and programming skills like ANOVA, regression, logistic regression, business applications of modeling, and challenges of modeling.

Platform: Coursera

Description: This program is for those who want to enhance their predictive and statistical modeling skills to drive data-informed business outcomes. If modeling data for business outcomes is relevant in your job role or industry, this certificate is a valuable indication of your proficiency. Data examples are general enough to be applicable to a broad range of subject areas.


TITLE: Machine Learning for Analytics MasterTrack Certificate

OUR TAKE: This University of Chicago certification module will show you how to master AI algorithms, data mining techniques, and predictive analytics in as little as five months.

Platform: Coursera

Description: Data analytics and data science positions are growing exponentially across a variety of industries. With this online certificate program, you’ll study at the graduate level to gain the knowledge you need to advance in your career. You’ll learn to apply mathematical theory and decision-making techniques that are vital to solving business problems through real-world projects designed by instructors.


TITLE: Data Analyst Master’s Program

OUR TAKE: This certification includes live Master Classes and AMA sessions with IBM leadership, more than 120 hours of educational content led by industry leaders, and a capstone plus 15 real-life projects.

Platform: Simplilearn

Description: This Data Analyst Master’s Program in collaboration with IBM will make you an expert in data analysis. In this Data Analyst certification course, you’ll learn analytics tools and techniques, how to work with SQL databases, the languages of R and Python, how to create data visualizations, and how to apply statistics and predictive analytics in a business environment.


TITLE: Predictive Analytics for Business Nanodegree

OUR TAKE: This training teaches you how to apply predictive analytics and business intelligence to solve real-world problems. Learners should have existing algebra, descriptive statistics, and Excel skills.

Platform: SUdacity

Description: Learn to apply predictive analytics and business intelligence to solve real-world business problems. Students who enroll should be familiar with algebra and descriptive statistics and have experience working with data in Excel. Working knowledge of SQL and Tableau is a plus, but not required.


NOW READ: The Best Predictive Analytics Courses and Online Training

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