5 Cloud Challenges Your Enterprise Can Overcome (And How to Do It)
You’ve no doubt had to deal with a handful of challenges if your enterprise has adopted the cloud. Cloud computing is still a relatively new technology, and moving to an entirely different environment isn’t easy. While the challenges you face will be different depending on your company, it’s a guarantee that integrating a cloud solution will cause some problems in your organization.
However, that shouldn’t deter enterprises from moving to the cloud. You might run into roadblocks along the way, but this is true of adopting any technology into your infrastructure. Plus, if your company overcomes these challenges, then the cloud will provide you with a number of benefits that will help your organization grow. Below, we’ve listed five common challenges enterprises face when integrating the cloud – and how your business can conquer them.
Migrating to the cloud
Once you’ve chosen which cloud environment you want to deploy and which cloud vendor you want to go with, the next step is migrating your enterprise to the cloud. This doesn’t mean you take everything you currently have on-premise and get it into your cloud environment as fast as possible. Instead, your enterprise needs to plan out a migration strategy that will help you slowly move your data, workflows, apps, etc. into the cloud. Migrating data to the cloud can take several months – perhaps even years depending on the size of your business. Knowing how and when to move each bit of data over will help you make the migration much easier on your enterprise.
Cloud expertise
Just like with any new technology, your enterprise needs at least a little bit of knowledge before you bring it into your infrastructure. Most cloud vendors offer support in the form of chat lines, tutorials, and official blogs that can help your enterprise learn how to work in the cloud. The cloud is able to perform a lot of tasks, meaning that if you want to apply a cloud solution to a workflow, you just need to find the resources that explain how.
Cloud monitoring
Cloud solutions can work wonders for your business, but if you aren’t properly maintaining them, they can become a huge hassle. The performance of your cloud environment, for example, can drag your business’ productivity tremendously if it isn’t looked after. You can monitor your cloud deployment, thankfully, either through a vendor’s own tools or a third party system. The monitoring solution will help you determine how well – or how poorly – your cloud environment is working, as well as how to fix it.
Bandwidth usage
Because the cloud requires you to access files, data, etc. via the Internet, you need to use some of your network bandwidth to utilize it. If you only use the cloud for a few different tasks, then your bandwidth usage won’t be very high. However, constant use of the cloud can put a real strain on your network. Your enterprise needs to carefully consider how often you’re using the cloud and determine through tools such as network performance monitors (NPMs) whether or not you need to cut back on bandwidth usage.
Vendor lock-in
One of the major challenges of the cloud that may only become a problem years after you first start using it is vendor lock-in. This happens when you rely too heavily on one vendor’s solutions that when it comes time for your enterprise to switch to someone else, you need to build everything from the ground up again. Cloud environments, especially Google Cloud, are thankfully introducing support for open frameworks and code sets. This means that you can more easily bring workflows and projects to other cloud deployments.
Our MSP Buyer’s Guide contains profiles on the top cloud MSP vendors for AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, as well as questions you should ask providers and yourself before buying. We also offer an MSP Vendor Map that outlines those vendors in a Venn diagram to make it easy for you to select potential providers.
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