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7 Fundamental AWS Services Your Business Needs to Use

X Fundamental AWS Services Your Business Needs to Use
X Fundamental AWS Services Your Business Needs to Use

Source: Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Thanks to revolutions in cloud technology, the number of tasks an enterprise can perform in the cloud is growing every day. Everything from daily computing and storage to industry-specific solutions can now be accomplished with a cloud solution. Public cloud providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud offer a wide variety of services through their cloud platforms.

Amazon currently offers over 100 different services through their AWS cloud platform. Some of these services are designed for specific verticals while others are designed to be multipurpose tools for all cloud users. Regardless, there are some AWS services that any business that uses AWS on a regular basis should be using. Below, we’ve listed seven of the most essential AWS services for corporations and IT departments.

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Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

One of Amazon’s first AWS services, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) provides cloud-based computing power for users. AWS delivers as much compute resources as you need, and your enterprise can scale up or down on compute power whenever it wants. Amazon EC2 instances are designed to be flexible as you can configure the memory, CPU, instance storage, and boot partition size to meet your enterprise’s demands.

Amazon S3

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is another one of the original AWS services. Amazon S3 is a scalable data storage service that allows you to keep your data stored in the cloud. S3 is built on a system of Storage Classes, which offers various levels of access levels for your data.

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) provisions out an isolated segment of the AWS cloud and creates a virtual network for AWS users. This virtual network configuration is completely customizable, including IP address range, subnet distribution, routing tables, and network gateways. Amazon VPC’s virtual networks support both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols.

Amazon CloudWatch

In order to maintain security in your AWS operations, you need a service that can monitor the applications and resources you use in the cloud. Amazon CloudWatch collects data about your AWS deployment from logs, metrics, and events. This allows your enterprise to keep an eye on the AWS services, applications, and resources you’re using so you know how your deployment is performing as a whole.

AWS Auto Scaling

With AWS, just like any public cloud environment, resources can be scaled up and down to suit your requirements. AWS Auto Scalling continuously monitors your AWS applications and services to help you determine the optimal amount of resources your organization needs. With AWS Auto Scaling, your company can set target utilization levels to help maintain and manage resource usage.

AWS Cost Explorer

When you use multiple AWS services, you need to manage your expenditures. Amazon offers their own tool for keeping track of your AWS costs and resource usage. AWS Cost Explorer generates reports on your current AWS expenses and can predict future costs and resource usage based on historical and recent trends.

Amazon S3 Glacier

Amazon S3 Glacier is an off-shoot of Amazon S3 that is designed specifically for cold data storage and archiving. Many enterprises need to hold on to specific data for either regulatory or business purposes, even if they don’t need to access it every day. Glacier offers the lowest storage costs of all AWS storage and you can expedite archived data retrieval to receive this data within minutes.

Running a cloud environment and need help managing the cloud services you use? Our MSP Buyer’s Guide contains profiles on the top cloud MSP vendors for AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, as well as questions you should ask providers and yourself before buying. We also offer an MSP Vendor Map that outlines those vendors in a Venn diagram to make it easy for you to select potential providers.

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