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DBTA 100 2020: 10 Database Management Vendors We’re Tracking

DBTA 100 2020: 10 Database Management Vendors We're Tracking

DBTA 100 2020: 10 Database Management Vendors We're Tracking

Our coverage of the DBTA 100 2020 features 15 database management vendors our editors are tracking. For a larger list, see our Data Management Solutions Directory.

Database Trends and Applications recently released its DBTA 100 2020, an annual listing of data, information management, big data, and data science companies that are preparing for the future. The list spans the spectrum of both “well-established and cutting edge” solution providers offering data platforms, tools and technologies to organizations around the globe. Some of the vendor entries are published alongside View From the Top articles which are penned by executives from the companies themselves.

The editors at Solutions Review have reviewed the DBTA 100 2020 with a fine-tooth comb to identify the database management vendors that matter most. Look at it as a sneak peak into which solution providers we track against in our daily coverage of the marketplace. You’ll even find some of these company names below in our freshly pressed Buyer’s Guide for Data Management Platforms.

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Couchbase offers Couchbase Server, an open source distributed multi-model NoSQL document-oriented database software package that was designed for interactive applications. Couchbase can be clustered from a single machine to very large-scale deployments spanning many machines. The product also provides simple scaling key-value or JSON document access with low latency and high sustained throughput.

Learn more and compare data integration companies with the Data Management Vendor Map.


DataStax offers a distributed hybrid cloud database built on Apache Cassandra. The company’s flagship product is DataStax Enterprise, a solution that makes it easy for enterprise to exploit hybrid and multi-cloud environments via a data layer that eliminates complexity associated with deploying applications across multiple on-prem data centers or multiple public clouds. Its enterprise data layer eliminates data silos and cloud vendor lock-in and powers mission-critical applications.

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EnterpriseDB offers data management tools based on the open source database PostgreSQL. The vendor develops and integrates performance, security and manageability enhancements into PostgreSQL to support enterprise workloads. EnterpriseDB has also developed database compatibility for Oracle to facilitate workload migrations from Oracle to EnterpriseDB. The Postgres database is available via subscription in two different options, and includes tool suites, upgrades, support and maintenance.

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Dremio offers a product called Data Lake engine that provides fast query speed and a self-service semantic layer that operates directly against data lake storage. The solution connects to S3, ADLS, Hadoop or wherever enterprise data resides. Apache Arrow, Data Reflections and other Dremio technologies work together to hasten query speeds, and the semantic layer enables IT to apply security and business meaning. Users do not have to send data to Dremio or have it stored in proprietary formats to access it.

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InfluxData offers an open source time-series database called InfluxDB. It is written in the Go programming language and optimized for high-availability storage and time-series data in fields like operations monitoring, application metrics, Internet of Things sensor data, and real-time analytics. InfluxDB features built-in time-centric functions for querying a data structure composed of measurements, series, and points, with each point consisting of key-value pairs called the fieldset and timestamp.

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MariaDB is an open source and commercially supported fork of the MySQL relational database management system. It was developed by the original creators of MySQL and turns data into structured information in a wide array of applications. MariaDB features an expansive ecosystem of storage engines, plugins and many other tools. According to the official site, the latest version of MariaDB includes GIS and JSON functionality. The database is supported by Microsoft Azure and Amazon RDS (since 2015).

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MongoDB is a cross-platform document-oriented database. It is classified as a NoSQL database program, and uses JSON-like documents with schema. The software is developed by MongoDB and licensed under the Server Side Public License. Key features include ad hoc queries, indexing, and real-time aggregation, as well as a document model that maps to the objects in your application code. MongoDB provides drivers for more than 10 languages, and the community has built dozens more.

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Redis Labs

Redis Labs is best known for its Redis Enterprise, a database product that takes advantage of modern in-memory technologies like NVMe and Persistent Memory to provide deployment over cloud and on-prem data centers. The solution features native data structures and a variety of data modeling techniques such as streams, graph, document and machine learning with a real-time search engine. Redis has also had considerable success entering strategic partnerships with vendors such as Pivotal and Red Hat.

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Splice Machine

Splice Machine is an open source database management system that is powered by Hadoop and Spark. Key features of the software include ANSI SQL-99 coverage, ACID transactions with Snapshot Isolation semantics, in-place updates that scale from one row to millions, and secondary indexing in both unique and non-unique forms. One of Splice Machine’s building blocks is Apache HBase.

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TigerGraph offers a graph database platform for enterprise applications. The product supports real-time deep link analytics for organizations with large data volumes. TigerGraph can be utilized for applications like IoT, AI, and machine learning to make sense of changing big data. The solution also provides personalized recommendations, fraud prevention, supply-chain logistics, and company knowledge graph.

See the complete DBTA 100 2020 list.

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