Is Data Deletion a Viable Data Management Strategy?
No matter which outlet you read for assistance on the best practices to employ when it comes to Data Management, experts and pundits alike will offer up solutions on how to best optimize practices for expanding data architectures. The vast majority will recommend doing learning, buying or doing more. Given the complexities with appropriately managing vital business data in the modern era as a result of new and exponentially growing data stores, isn’t it time enterprises considered doing less?
In the scheme of enterprise Information Management, less is often more. At some point, software solutions and vendor relationships become a waste of valuable resources. However, many business stakeholders get trapped in a never-ending cycle of upgrades and product updates after initially adopting solutions to deal with large volumes of data. As a result, they wind up squandering resources that could have been put to better use and looking past a simple fix that lies right under their noses.
Managing anything comes with some skill. They involve deciding what to engage and what not to. It’s the job of a manager to remove any entity that is impeding the growth of the unit as a whole, and as the steward for Data Management inside an organization, that job is no different. In a general sense, your typical collection of data will consist largely of useless data. That’s not to say that specific unusable data sets which are useless now won’t be of some use in the future, but for the purposes of preparing data for today’s analysis, the debris can be ignored.
Another way to make life easier for those that work with data is to get trigger happy with the delete button. Though this has inherent risks, and should probably be done by someone with executive-level standing, it can be a real game-changer for an enterprise. Take the human body as an example, the brain is a brilliant and complex organ, making snap decisions at a moment’s notice. But the brain doesn’t make all the decisions. There are systems and processes that are already in place inside the body that can cut off information transfer to the brain and deal with issues locally, sometimes by removing them from the “que” as to not overload the nervous system.
Data deletion should be approached with care, but can become a vital part of a forward-thinking Data Management strategy that puts crystal clear Data Analytics at the forefront. Collecting data is and will continue to be the lifeblood of modern digital businesses, that much is absolutely certain.
However, what’s not so certain is how enterprises that are already strained by massive data stores will deal with continued collection. In a world where companies are terrified of letting event the smallest amount of data slip by the wayside, a pivot to a more common sense approach may be necessary, and this likely involves ignoring the data that doesn’t yet fit the mold.
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