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Solutions Review Sits down with Douglas Brockett of StorageCraft

Solutions Review Sits down with Douglas Brockett of StorageCraft

Solutions Review recently had the chance to sit down with StorageCraft President Douglas Brockett to discuss the growing need for data protection, as well as his company’s role in the marketplace. Brockett also talked to us about the main challenges organizations are facing when it comes to data protection, namely when dealing with unstructured data. He also explains what he’s seeing on the ground — organizations are grossly unprepared when it comes to data management and protection, and regulatory compliance has really thrown a wrench into the situation as well.

We polled Brockett on where StorageCraft was seeing the most need for dedicated data protection tools, and he highlighted ransomware as a major threat. Brockett notes that ransomware has the ability to disrupt organizations of all sizes right now, and it makes sense given how much value is placed on data. StorageCraft provides continuous write-once snapshots of everything that is being stored so users can bring back what may have gotten encrypted with a drag-and-drop operation. He also recommends organizations get fit for a disaster recovery solution so they can bring back uncorrupted data from backups should an issue arise.

Check out the full interview below, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more.

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