A Collection of the 15 Best GDPR Books on Amazon
There are loads of free resources across the web on Europe’s recently enacted General Data Protection Regulation (or GDPR for short). Some of them are great, but sometimes it’s bet to do things the old fashioned way, and there are few resources that can match the in-depth, comprehensive detail of a great book. With this in our mind, our editors have compiled this list of the best GDPR books on Amazon. This curated list includes only the highest-ranked titles based on relevance popularity, and real user reviews.
In case you need a quick refresher, GDPR took effect on May 25, 2018 and requires businesses to adopt a strict set of guidelines to maintain compliance. Organizations in breach of GDPR can be fined up to 4 percent of annual global turnover or €20 million (whichever is greater). Absorbing the information included in these books is sure to be a great way of learning what your organization needs to do to obtain and maintain compliance.
Below you will find a library of the best GDPR books from recognized leaders, experts, and technology professionals in the field.
The Best GDPR Books
The Layman’s Guide to GDPR Compliance for Small Medium Business
“This book provides a layman’s introduction to the EU General Data Protection Regulation so it is aimed towards small and medium organisations that have no in house legal or technical expertise. The aims of the book are to develop an awareness of the soon to be applied GDPR and what it means for SMB business. It provides provides a concise high level guide to the regulations what they are, how they differ from the current law, what major changes will come about in May 2018 and importantly what it means for the SMB.”
GDPR: Guiding Your Business To Compliance: A Practical guide to meeting GDPR regulations.
“This book will guide you through the GDPR requirements and help you formulate and run a project so that your systems will comply with the legislation. Many companies will struggle to complete a project of this size, so companies that plan well and start early will be in a wining position. The book outlines some of the most straightforward and common sense approaches from starting the project all the way through to the end.”
Be Ready for GDPR: Let us check your readiness for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
“This book is designed to provide you with a step-by-step approach on how to structure a data protection plan can help you assure compliance. For those who already have a plan, this book will help review it and assure that the focus is assigned onto the right priorities. This book will provide answers to the following questions: How to set your privacy and protection program? How to structure your core team and governance?”
EU GDPR: A Pocket Guide
“A clear, concise primer on the EU GDPR The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a key piece of legislation that provides a single, harmonised privacy law for the European Union, improving the promotion and regulation of data privacy. With the Regulation now formally approved by the European Parliament, all companies that operate in Europe have until 26 April 2018 to comply with the new law, or potentially face fines of up to 4% of annual turnover or €20 million. This pocket guide is the perfect introduction for organisations that need to get to grips with the key principles of data privacy and the EU General Data Protection Regulation.”
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): A Practical Guide
“This book provides expert advice on the practical implementation of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and systematically analyses its various provisions. Examples, tables, a checklist etc. showcase the practical consequences of the new legislation. The handbook examines the GDPR’s scope of application, the organizational and material requirements for data protection, the rights of data subjects, the role of the Supervisory Authorities, enforcement and fines under the GDPR, and national particularities.”
EU GDPR & EU-US Privacy Shield: A Pocket Guide
“US organizations processing the personal data of EU residents must comply with the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) from May 25 2018. Failure to comply could result in fines of up to 4% of annual global turnover or €20 million. This concise guide is essential reading for US organizations wanting an easy to follow overview of the new regulations and the compliance obligations for handling data of EU citizens, including guidance on the EU-US Privacy Shield.”
GDPR: A Clear and Concise Reference
“This instant GDPR self-assessment will make you the established GDPR domain specialist by revealing just what you need to know to be fluent and ready for any GDPR challenge. There’s no better guide through these mind-expanding questions than acclaimed best-selling author Gerard Blokdyk. Blokdyk ensures all GDPR essentials are covered, from every angle: the GDPR self-assessment shows succinctly and clearly that what needs to be clarified to organize the business/project activities and processes so that GDPR outcomes are achieved.”
GDPR – Fix it Fast: Apply GDPR to Your Company in 10 Simple Steps
“This book’s 10 Simple Steps will take you from beginning to end of your GDPR readiness and implementation project. This isn’t a legal book – it’s a practical, no-nonsense guide to getting the job done fast. This book helps is built for compliance officers, lawyers, information technology and information security professionals, and anyone else tasked with GDPR compliance to complete the critical tasks. This isn’t a legal book, it’s a road map to compliance. “
EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): An Implementation and Compliance Guide
“Now in its second edition, EU GDPR – An Implementation and Compliance Guide is a clear and comprehensive guide to this new data protection law. It explains the Regulation and sets out the obligations of data processors and controllers in terms you can understand. The GDPR will have a significant impact on organizations’ data protection regimes around the world. EU GDPR – An Implementation and Compliance Guide shows you what you need to do to comply with the new law.”
A Last Minute Hands-on Guide to GDPR Readiness: Four Practical Approaches to GDPR Compliance for Businesses of all sizes
“This book is designed to help companies of all size become GDPR ready. It aims at supplying the relevant knowledge as well as the techniques and practical tools you will need to take your business to GPR readiness in the shortest possible time. However we can not entirely do this without first imparting some theoretical knowledge so the book tries to present the rules and legislation as is required but keeping an emphasis on practical deployable information. GDPR will come into force in May 2018 and so there is not a lot of time left in which to become complaint.”
Data Sovereignty and Enterprise Data Management: Extending Beyond the European Union General Data Protection Regulation
“This book, geared toward business users, outlines 16 core steps to operationalize a data governance program geared to data sovereignty compliance. Successful data sovereignty requires collaboration across the organization, including among those responsible for legal, risk, compliance, information technology, and enterprise data management. The amalgamation of skills and technology within the organization will support the operationalization.”
The Little Book of GDPR: Getting on the Path to Compliance
“The purpose of this book to introduce the reader to the GDPR, and what it requires organisations to do in order to comply, and to keep the personal information that it processes protected. This book is written in a way that will help the reader to understand the requirements for their organisation, and is armed with the knowledge to not only learn more, but also to judge the value of the sometimes mid-leading information that is published on the Internet about the subject.”
GDPR: The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide
“This powerful GDPR self-assessment will make you the dependable GDPR domain expert by revealing just what you need to know to be fluent and ready for any GDPR challenge. This book contains extensive criteria grounded in past and current successful projects and activities by experienced GDPR practitioners. Their mastery, combined with the uncommon elegance of the self-assessment, provides its superior value to you in knowing how to ensure the outcome of any efforts in GDPR are maximized with professional results.”
The GDPR Handbook: A Guide to the EU General Data Protection Regulation
“The GDPR Handbook: A Guide to the EU General Data Protection Regulation is a through introduction to these new regulations and their implications for businesses. It covers in detail how companies of all sizes need to operate within the GDPR requirements, how to deal with information security and risk and it specifically address the key features and responsibilities of the Data Protection Officer.”
A Practical Guide to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
“With everyone talking about the GDPR this book is intended to offer a guide through the maze of different requirements and also separate fact from myth. Beginning with a succinct summary of the key changes being introduced by the GDPR, emphasis then shifts to what needs to be done practically by way of response. Written in an accessible style and containing lots of useful resources, it is suitable for lawyers and non-lawyers alike who are seeking to better understand this topic and to comply with their obligations in a common sense and risk focused manner.”
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