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Gartner Predicts: CIOs Responsible for Culture Change by 2021

Gartner Predicts: CIOs Responsible for Culture Change by 2021

Gartner Predicts: CIOs Responsible for Culture Change by 2021

This morning, technology research giant Gartner released a new cybersecurity prediction; by 2021, enterprise culture changes will stem from Chief Information Officers (CIOs) serving as chief HR officers (CHROs).

Gartner bases their prediction on the influence of technology and process design decision on enterprise cultures; enterprise values and digital architecture often adapt to one another.  

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Elise Olding, Research Vice President at Gartner, commented in greater detail.“A lot of CIOs have realized that culture can be an accelerator of digital transformation and that they have the means to reinforce a desired culture through their technology choices.”

“A partnership with the CHRO is the perfect way to align technology selections and design processes to shape the desired work behaviors.”

According to Gartner, 67% of enterprises already began culture changes initiatives or finished them; simultaneously, businesses enacted these culture change initiatives to remove the obstacles to their digital transformation.

Research Vice President at Gartner Christie Struckman explained this in more detail. “In 50 percent of cases, transformational initiatives are clear failures and CIOs report that the main barrier is culture. The logical conclusion is that CIOs should start with culture change when they embark on digital transformation, not wait to address it later.”

CIOs, Cybersecurity, and Enterprise Culture

Gartner’s prediction commented enterprise culture usually falls under the purview of HR and thus the CHRO. However, Gartner didn’t reflect on how the influence of CIOs on enterprise cultures can change enterprises’ cybersecurity stances and investments.

Yet we at Solutions Review feel cybersecurity must become a vital part of organizations’ business processes and cultures. The deluge of threats assaulting the digital perimeter every day and the inherent and continual risks of enterprises undergoing their digital transformation makes it imperative enterprises adopt cybersecurity best practices immediately.

Employees remain the largest digital attack vector in any enterprise, regardless of their vertical or size. Having a culture which encourages cybersecurity best practices results in more consistent observance and caution. On the other hand, not having that culture in place and reinforced lays out the welcome mat to hackers and insider threats.

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