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Why Does Your Enterprise Need BYOD Endpoint Security?

How Endpoint Detection and Response Secures Remote Workforces

Why Does Your Enterprise Need BYOD Endpoint Security?

What does your enterprise need for BYOD endpoint security?

No one can understate the advantages of bring-your-own-devices culture (BYOD) for your enterprise. First, it improves employee productivity; users feel more comfortable using devices they already recognize and understand. Second, BYOD can actually save your enterprise money in the long-term, as the burden of device upkeep falls to employees. Additionally, since these devices belong to employees, they end up purchasing the devices themselves.

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Finally, using their own devices allows employees to save time, both on login and on finding relevant information. In fact, BYOD culture can save your employees up to an hour a day—a significant amount!

However, without BYOD endpoint security, your enterprise could suffer serious data breaches and the consequences thereof. 

Here’s what could happen, and why BYOD endpoint security could help! 

Why Your Enterprise Needs BYOD Endpoint Security

1. Ransomware Attacks

A ransomware attack isn’t just a cliche. Instead, it represents a fundamental part of hackers’ toolkits. A ransomware attack on any device can stop workflows for hours if not days. Moreover, many ransomware attacks involve the potential destruction of the data the endpoint contains; whether they follow through or not, that sensitive data could end up in malicious hands. 

Also, ransomware can now infect mobile devices through email with increased sophistication and automation. Without BYOD endpoint security, it could take hours after a threat to detect a threat—far far too late. This doesn’t even explore what happens if a ransomware attack leapfrogs onto your network or to a privileged device. Suffice it to say, nothing good. 

Thankfully, BYOD endpoint security often provides endpoint detection and response (EDR). This critical capability can help detect threats that penetrated the digital perimeter and alert your IT security team. Therefore, your team can perform a faster and more focused threat investigation. Additionally, EDR can halt suspicious programs from acting until they receive approval or remediation from your IT team. 

2. Phishing Attacks

Another email security threat, phishing attacks increasingly works to subvert mobile device security. Not only can phishing attacks end up stealing authentication credentials, but they could also convince employees to simply give them sensitive information; either way, all they need to do is pose as a trusted contact. 

Additionally, hackers now have more tools than ever to use phishing attacks against enterprises. Even the most inexperienced hacker can now purchase a phishing kit from the Dark Web for their malicious plans. Alternatively, they could just buy a list of compromised credentials and use them to access employee’s mobile device files and data.  

BYOD endpoint security can help reduce dwell time and use data to detect new kinds of phishing attacks. Also, it can help fortify the digital perimeter, preventing phishing emails from even reaching users in the first place. 

3. Public Wi-Fi

As mobile device usage proliferates, it also means the decentralization of your enterprise IT infrastructure. Your cybersecurity initiative must thus prepare for defending a remote workforce operating at potentially unusual hours. Of course, these use cases lie outside the realm of legacy endpoint security solutions.

Nowhere is this more evident than in public WI-Fi. Public Wi-Fi doesn’t have the security of private or corporate WiFi; this makes it easy for hackers to transmit malware or gain access to sensitive data. 

As part of your BYOD endpoint security, your enterprise needs to utilize a VPN for remote workforces. A VPN functions as a secure connection between a less secure network and a more secure one. More specifically, it allows devices on a public network to operate as if connected to a private one. Therefore, you can have the benefits of a private network even for remote employees working in a coffee shop.   

4. Visibility Failures

Your enterprise can’t protect what it cannot see. This is one of the most common adages of cybersecurity, and it holds true no matter what technology you use. If you can’t find all of the mobile devices connecting to your IT infrastructure, how can you enforce your endpoint security?  

First, BYOD endpoint security can help you complete audits on all of your audits endpoints. This enables you to discover all the old devices, which could become potential leakages and cause integration issues. 

Further, improved visibility can help you discover out-of-date software on mobile devices; up-to-date devices provide more security than out-of-date ones. Additionally, visibility enables your IT team to discover any data lingering unseen in mobile devices, which could prove disastrous if hackers discover it before you.

How to Learn More About Enterprise BYOD Endpoint Security

Check out our Endpoint Security Buyer’s Guide for more on the top vendors and capabilities in the market. 

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