Identity Management May Be The Hottest Sector in All of Technology

Follow the Money. It is the simple advice that brought down a president during the Watergate investigation and how to tell what solution categories are currently blowing up. And in the spirit of Deep Throat, TechCrunch has done a compelling job of pointing out how venture capitalists are betting that Identity Management is one of the most important IT investments an enterprise can make right now.
In the article Christine Magee explains why Identity and Access Management – IAM – software is not just a “nice to have”, but an absolute “have to have” solution when protecting against the many outside threats in today’s target rich environment.
Ms Magee writes, “As security breaches are reported for one major corporation after another, venture investors are writing bigger checks than ever in an attempt to buy some peace of mind. From Target’s data breach that put a damper on last year’s holiday season to Bebe’s payment card data breach reported last week, we’ve seen countless examples of access management gone wrong. It’s become apparent that the present identity management solutions are just not cutting it, and investors are fully aware.”
Leveraging investor data from their sister site CrunchBase, the article gets very detailed in the amount of money flowing into the highest valued Identity Management solutions like Okta, Centrify and Dashlane.
Here at Solutions Review, we have felt strongly about this space for some time launching this site and offering our Identity Management Buyers Guide because we have been seeing a proliferation of security concerns throughout the enterprises we talk with.
In the article TechCrunch speaks with a number of industry observers who sense similar issues, “Identity management has seen such a resurgence of interest because enterprises are realizing that an employee of theirs goes and buys a new mobile device or is using a laptop from home and is accessing cloud applications, and those resources are no longer under the control of the enterprise,” says Robin Vasan of Mayfield Fund, an early Centrify investor.
As usual TechCrunch does an excellent job delivering visual detail with some nice charts and graphs powered by Tableau who we track over at our BI and Data Anlaytics site If you are at all concerned about IAM, this article and the solutions outlined in it is certainly worth a read.