A Layered Defense to Mobile Security and MDM from MaaS360 by IBM
In one of Fiberlink’s latest online presentations by David Lingenfelter, Information Security Officer, a new trend that has immerged in mobile security is discussed. As part of the presentation Lingenfelter highlights the idea of Layered Security. This idea of Layered Security really boils down to one key message for addressing mobile security. “A single approach will not work”.
Layered Security looks to address each individual aspect of your mobile environment providing greater security across the board. So what are these layers that Fiberlink is referring to? This layered approach includes securing the device, the container, the app and the browser each individually, and the key seems to be finding a Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution that can offer security across each area under one platform. The following is a quick description on the presentation.
“Mobile technology has introduced significant risks, and the threats reach far beyond lost and stolen devices. While bring-your-own-device (BYOD) programs are popular for their promise of increased productivity, organizations must also secure the mobile interactions of employees, contract or temporary workers and business partners. In this SC Magazine eConference session David Lingenfelter, Information Security Officer at MaaS360 by IBM, discusses best practices you can use to implement a layered approach using the cloud to protect corporate data and enable opportunity, while adapting to this new model.”