11 EMM Tweeters Share Tips & Tricks of the Trade

Social media is becoming one of the most important resources when it comes to staying up to date on enterprise news and trends across most verticals. And because there are so many people tweeting about enterprise mobility management and all things related, I took a dive into the twittersphere and chose a few people you may want to follow.
Take a look at the accounts first if you have an overflowing tweetdeck, but I definitely think they are worth an add. Some are new to the industry and others are seasoned pros, but all of these accounts are guaranteed to provide some insight or news on EMM.
Jessica Dolcourt
First on my list is Jessica Dolcourt. She writes for CNET, so you know her tweets will be tech-centric. She focuses on smartphones and has been known to live tweet from events and conferences, which can be one of of the best ways to get real-time information. She recently provided live updates from Samsung’s big Galaxy Note 7 news conference, via her Twitter account.
Terrence Cosgrove
Next, and these are in no particular order, is Terrence Cosgrove. He works for the tech research giant Gartner and specializes in enterprise mobility management. This industry often looks to Gartner for current research and future trends, and Cosgrove may break some news you’ve been waiting for.
Brian Blau
Brian Blau, who also works for Gartner as their research vice president, covers several categories including mobile apps and devices. But that’s not all, he also focuses on social media, video games, computer graphics, software development and more, so his tweets are sure to be informative.
Charlotte O’Donnelly
Charlotte O’Donnelly, who is a research associate at Blue Hill Research, focuses on mobility. She shares valuable tweets incorporating research stats from her company and highlights other insightful information.
Rob Tiffany
Rob Tiffany is a mobile strategist who was included in INC’s Top 30 Internet of Things Expert list. He is also the author of Mobile Strategies for Business. Follow him for tips and predictions on where the EMM market is headed.
Werner Ramaekers
Werner Ramaekers is an iOS mobile architect and calls himself a videostreaming expert. He works in television, but still has a lot to share about the mobile world.
Luke Wroblewski
Luke Wroblewski wrote the book Mobile First and founded Polar, which has since been acquired by Google. With almost 160,000 followers, he’s tweeting some valuable info.
Andreas Constantinou
As the founder of developer of analyst firm Vision Mobile, Andreas Constantinou is a great person to follow. He’s also an adjunct professor of Internet business models, so he words tweets in a way that are informative and easy to grasp.
Brian Katz
Brian Katz calls himself a “mobile guy in a digital world.” He works at VMWare and hosts tweet chats that set him apart from others.
Going by just the name Biskero on Twitter, this blogger says he’s also a mobile platforms strategist and self-proclaimed “Nokia champion.” He’s also a snowboarder, so not all tweets are tech related.
Nathaniel Lewis
And I couldn’t leave out our own Nathaniel Lewis. He is always reading, writing and tweeting about all things EMM. He also covers wireless and shares our Week In Review videos every Friday.
There are so many other helpful accounts out there, and we’re always making lists like these! So check back in with us often for updates!