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We create a comprehensive management solution for Apple technologies – the Casper Suite. We help business, government and education organziations succeed with Apple by combining innovative software with exceptional support, training, and service.


Cortado Corporate Server lets enterprises decide which apps and accounts are permitted to share corporate data. This ensures that corporate data remains secure by allowing the option to exclude apps or accounts that the company deems unsecure, or apps in the public cloud for example.


FileWave is a key player in the mobile tablet revolution by adding Mobile Device Management software to its flagship FileWave client product.


To take full advantage of workforce mobilization, enterprises will need to move beyond short-term management solutions and adopt a comprehensive Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) solution designed to meet today’s challenges and whatever lies around the corner.


“Enterprise mobility is changing the dynamics of the brick and mortar workplace to an on-demand, virtual environment accessible at anytime, anywhere and from any device.


DME ensures that companies can administer and support thousands of mobile units — centrally and effectively — without compromising security. DME also offers a secure corporate partition for email and applications.


Learn about the latest trends in mobile management and what new technologies are being developed to protect data on mobile devices.


Amtel is a global mobile device management and telecom expense management vendor, addressing the challenges companies face in managing mobile devices and telecommunications expenses.


Mobile Management increases IT efficiency with over-the-air deployment of applications and updates, improves end-user productivity by managing mobile device health, and integrates with Symantec mobile security products.