Wearables Create Additional Security Risks for Enterprises

Mobile devices are becoming more of a staple in the enterprise. As the evolution continues, wearables are becoming more prevalent as well.
Wearables are being used for a variety of different functions within the healthcare space, airline industry and more. Many organizations are integrating wearable devices with specialized software components and even utilizing the latest advances in artificial intelligence and augmented reality, according to the Enterprise Mobility Exchange.
“We now have more computing power in our palms than entire office buildings attained 50 years ago,” the website reported.
While these devices are aiding with business operations, they are also creating risk. However, according to the Enterprise Mobility Exchange, a report from early this year shows that security protocols are being improved as the wearable market grows; but it still may not be enough. The wearable market is expected to hit $60 billion in revenue in 2022, according to a study by market consultancy firm ABI Research.
The Enterprise Mobility Exchange reported a growing gap in the policy structure of many enterprises and stated that stakeholder buy-in and end-user awareness become part of the package when one security feature is deployed, whether it’s a mobile device management tool, enterprise mobility management platform or something else. This reportedly creates a potential delay for security measures as workers get used to new business processes that incorporate new devices, and it will be an issue when it comes to wearables.
“I think the biggest challenge for enterprises to adopt a wearable culture is getting that first taste,” ABI Research Principal Analyst Ryan Martin told the Enterprise Mobility Exchange. “And in doing so, the product needs to be ready. Solutions can’t be provided to enterprises in a half-baked way; the ‘first taste’ should be backed up by a product that’s ready to go. There needs to be an attractive time-to-value for an enterprise to consider making this change.”
A well-planned strategy will be the first step to securing wearables and allowing them to impact a business in a positive way.