How IoT Affects Network Management and Monitoring
The Internet of Things, or IoT, is the term referring to “smart” devices that connect to the internet. This can be something as simple as a toaster or a lightbulb. Billions of devices around the world connect to the internet to collect and share data. This adds digital capabilities to everyday objects, connecting our physical “things” in the same way that our digital objects connect.
Some project IoT to be a multi-trillion-dollar industry by 2020. Some impacted industries include manufacturing, transportation, utilities, healthcare, etc. It’s an industry bound for significant growth and it will have a major impact on the lives of consumers and professionals around the world. It will also change the way we think about networks and network monitoring. Despite the positive projections, its flaws are something that we cannot overlook.
Security Flaws
As revolutionary as IoT technology is, there is a glaring problem that cannot be overlooked, security. The lack of effective security has been a significant negative for companies looking to utilize the convenience of IoT. Malware has easily been able to affect these devices. In late 2016, a malware strain, known as “Mirai,” enslaved IoT devices including wireless routers and security cameras. This led to a global DDoS attack against Dyn, a company that provides internet services to sites like Twitter, Reddit, Spotify, etc.
In late 2017, another IoT attack malware, known as “IoTroop” or “Reaper,” spread through security holes in IoT software and hardware. Both IoTroop and Mirai are computer worms that spread automatically from one infected device to another. The malware hasn’t done anything yet, and it’s unclear what might become of it, but it is estimated to have infected one million organizations.
Many IoT devices ship with little to no security in their default settings. This is obviously a problem for many users that might overlook it. There is even government legislation calling for IoT devices to come with more security features.
So where exactly does network monitoring fit in? Considering the vulnerability of these devices, monitoring how these devices are behaving is the only way to notice any abnormalities in network performance. Knowing your network is a crucial step in improving your network. The security vulnerabilities are more potent when you don’t know what’s happening in your network. You can’t prepare for a threat if you don’t know it’s there.
IoT Monitoring Changes
IoT will change the way we think about networks, so having the proper solutions in place ahead of time will make the technological transformation easier. Network performance monitoring solutions are more important than ever with this large-scale change. These solutions allow you to automatically discover problems with your network. An IoT device susceptible to a security breach will behave differently and your team will be able to snuff it out with simple dashboards.
Aside from security flaws, IoT devices will increase network congestion, and this will only grow with time. Network performance monitoring solutions are rapidly maturing alongside IoT developments. They will be able to accommodate the demands for IoT within any network. Having the solutions before the change becomes more drastic will make it easier for your network administrator. Instead of letting congestion slow them down, these tools will free up time normally spent searching for network issues. Your network administrator should be keeping up with the technology in order to prepare for its quick implementation.
Investing in more bandwidth helps prepare for the IoT revolution. The technology is coming faster than some may realize, so having the right bandwidth ahead of time will make this transition more manageable. Network performance monitoring solutions will provide your team with the knowledge they need to build the proper network size. Establishing the most efficient plan is only possible with appropriate network information.