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Questions to Ask When Considering a Network Monitoring Solution

network monitoring questions

network monitoring questions

Each year, Solutions Review releases free buyer’s guides highlighting top vendors across the enterprise IT. Every guide comes with a market overview, important questions to ask, key capabilities to lookout for, and full vendor profiles with a solution overview, three key features, and our own ‘Bottom Line’ analysis.

Our network monitoring guide is coming soon and below is an excerpt from the guide. We’ve provided three questions to ask yourself when considering a new solution.

Are you comfortable managing network growth?

Networks are bound to grow in complexity, in a way that might be hard to cohesively define. As they continue to grow, they’ll also become more intertwined with business success. So how do enterprises prepare for such a dramatic shift? It doesn’t have to be difficult, it comes down to using the right tools and having knowledge of network expansion. Many companies would be fine to simply utilize a network monitoring solution. IT teams gain the ability to see what’s happening on the edge at any given time, and they also alert you to irregularities. Think of it as your first line of defense against network problems.

How do you measure network performance over time?

Today, performance metrics are more important than ever. Sports, cars, computing, etc. all live and die based on how well they stack up statistically. Stats aren’t everything though, the way we utilize stats needs to be as efficient as the stats themselves. Having a bunch of raw data is useless without a proper plan, and this is certainly the case with networking. Network monitoring solutions allow users to capture data in real time so you’ll immediately know about network breaches and performance problems. You’ll also be able to use data to find room for improvement.

Are you prepared for a DDoS attack?

Anyone can be the target of a DDoS attack, regardless of company size. DDoS attacks carried out by hijacked devices. The devices send numerous requests to a single target and flood websites, applications, or networks with overwhelming traffic. These attacks cause congestion and bandwidth consumption, potentially shutting down your service or network. DDoS mitigation diverts attacks away from your network. Mitigation starts by detecting abnormal traffic flow. Now, this is something offered by network monitoring solutions.

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