Logi Analytics Acquires Jinfonet Software in Embedded BI Merger

Source: Jinfonet Software
Embedded BI provider Logi Analytics has announced its acquisition of operational reporting provider and the maker of JReport, Jinfonet Software. The merger will enable Logi Analytics to expand its presence as one of the top embedded BI providers in the marketplace. Logi will presumably integrate Jinfonet’s operational reporting features with its dashboards and self-service analysis and predictive analytics.
With the Logi Platform, analytics content and capabilities are embedded and integrated within an existing application or portal. Application teams maintain control to customize the user experience and meet unique requirements. As part of the Logi Platform, Logi Services introduces REST APIs, allowing developers to programmatically interact with data sources, visualizations, and dashboards.
The move will see Jinfonet merged under the Logi Analytics brand, and represents what the company is calling a “new stage of growth” for them. Logi will add several hundred customers as a result of the deal, as well as expand its reseller partnerships abroad.
In a statement to Solutions Review, the company’s CEO Steven Schneider spoke to the news, adding: “Jinfonet JReport is the leading product for operational reporting and complements our current offerings to enhance the overall embedded analytics capabilities available to application teams. This acquisition marks a new stage of growth for the company and strengthens our commitment to provide a trusted partner experience.”
This announcement comes on the heels of the recent release of Logi Predict, a predictive analytics solution designed to be embedded into applications. Logi Predict’s automation makes creating predictive models a 3-step process. It can also be completely branded inside an application so developers have complete control over its user experience. Logi Analytics was also named the number-one embedded analytics platform by Dresner Advisory Services for the fourth-straight year in December.