Cloudreach: Public Cloud Migration Is “Essential for Business Survival”

According to a report released by Cloudreach, more than a quarter of IT leaders in the United States view public cloud migration as essential for business survival following COVID-19. This information comes from the U.S. Businesses Become Future-Ready with Large-Scale Cloud Migration report, which surveyed 200 IT leaders in the U.S. on digital transformation following the pandemic. The report found that cloud computing has been (and will continue to be) a key combatant against the business effects of COVID-19.
Cloudreach found that more than a quarter (27.5 percent) of U.S. IT leaders believe large-scale public cloud migration and adoption is “essential for business survival” following COVID-19. The same amount labeled public cloud migration as a strategic business decision. In addition, while 23.5 percent called it purely a technology decision, 11 percent say that public cloud migration is foundational for innovation while 10.5 percent described it as a “game-changer.”
A noteworthy reason for this attitude towards the cloud comes from the increasing role of the CIO in the business world. 55 percent of the CIOs surveyed answered that the pandemic has increased the scope of their influence across the business. 45 percent also indicated that the crisis has both improved their relationship with business leaders and enhanced their credibility with C-suite professionals.
In the company’s press release, Cloudreach’s Head of Strategy and Professional Services Dave Chapman stated: “The initial period of the pandemic has forced many C-suite leaders, who were hesitant to migrate from legacy technologies, into accelerating their digital transformation plans for the sake of their organization’s survival. The longer-term changes that emerge from this global crisis are likely to fundamentally alter the way many organizations work and, as a result, will accelerate enterprise-wide modernization efforts on an unprecedented scale.”
Learn more about the U.S. Businesses Become Future-Ready with Large-Scale Cloud Migration report here.