SPR: Outdated IT Infrastructure Prevents Effective Cloud Deployment

According to research recently released by SPR, outdated IT infrastructure is the top barrier preventing effective cloud deployment. This information comes from the Building a Resilient Cloud report, which surveyed 400 U.S. IT decision-makers and 400 U.S. IT line-of-business (LOB) employees on cloud experience and what is needed for true cloud resiliency.
The survey found that 90 percent of IT decision-makers were actively tracking their cloud maturity while 71 percent of line-of-business employees stated the same. The majority of IT employees surveyed use Microsoft Azure (62 percent) and Amazon Web Services (61 percent), with Google Cloud only lagging behind slightly at 58 percent. On all cloud fronts, 42 percent of LOB employees stated that their outdated IT infrastructure was preventing effective cloud adoption and operation.
SPR also found that the initiatives of decision-makers and the governance barriers LOB employees are most concerned about line up with each other. The top initiative for decision-makers was establishing a central internal authority to define best practices and standards for cloud usage; the lack of such an authority was listed as the second-most critical obstacle for cloud governance. Other initiatives, like improving employee training and education and improving automation, also aligned with what LOB workers defined as problem areas.
In a press release on PRWeb, SPR’s Executive Director of Cloud Enablement Kevin McMahon stated: “While many organizations are chasing a mature cloud strategy, they’re all operating under different definitions of cloud maturity. Further, internal IT teams are misaligned on what cloud maturity means for their company, and their priorities are muddled as a result. Once IT leaders and frontline employees understand how mature their cloud is, they can develop a resilient and scalable architecture that allows them to remain competitive and innovative during these uncertain times.”
View the Building a Resilient Cloud report here.