Comparing Top Enterprise Resource Planning Vendors – Solutions Review

Technologies once considered staples in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software are no longer sufficient enough in the age of process management due to new emerging technologies and trends. As a result, solution providers have had to shift their focus and develop tools that meet the needs of organizations dealing with increasingly large data and process volumes.
The process of searching, evaluating, purchasing, and deploying an ERP solution is not as simple as it once was. There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to ERP software. Solutions today come in a variety of different flavors, each features a particular set of capabilities, strengths, and drawbacks. Choosing the right vendor and solution is a complicated process—one that requires in-depth research and often comes down to more than just the solution and its technical capabilities.
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Here at Solutions Review, it’s our job to help simplify that process. To that end, we’ve created a variety of buyer resources and articles to speed the evaluation of enterprise technology solutions. In our Enterprise Resource Planning Buyer’s Guide, we offer readers a full ERP market overview. This includes company and product profiles and best use cases for the top-24 providers, ten questions for prospective ERP buyers, and our bottom line analysis.
ERP vendors covered in our buyer’s resource include abas ERP, Acumatica, Aptean, DDISystem, Deltek, Epicor, Exact, IFS, Infor, Intact, IQMS, LillyWorks, Microsoft, Netsuite, Oracle, ProcessPro, QAD, Ramco, Sage, SAP, Synergy Resources, Unit 4, Workwise Software and 24SevenOffice.
Pair this with Solutions Review online directory of ERP vendors, platforms and software solutions. It includes an abbreviated overview, contact information and links to each company’s social media handles for the top-24 ERP providers. If you would like a printed version of this page including complete solutions profiles and a list of the top questions to ask in an RFP, click here for a free PDF.
To make it even easier for buyer’s that may be in niche and specific industries, we’ve gone even further by creating two more ERP buyer’s guide. Our Manufacturing ERP Buyer’s Guide includes the top-24 ERP providers that offer strictly ERP solutions for the manufacturing industry. Similarly, our Distribution ERP Buyer’s Guide focuses on vendors that provide solutions for the wholesale distribution industry.
Even though some of the solution providers in the Manufacturing Guide bleed into our Distribution Guide, it’s helpful for some to see the specific solutions (and the differences) in order to pick one that best fits their businesses/organizations needs.
Our articles focus on industry and vendor news within the ERP and manufacturing tech space, so you’re always up to date with the latest platform updates, market reports and so on. We also provide best practice articles that can help buyer’s with choosing ERP solutions, such as key capabilities to look for or signs telling you it’s time to implement. They also help those who already have ERP solutions within their organizations, such as how to best utilize the software or how to move from an on-premise solution to a cloud platform.
So, if you’re in the beginning process of buying your first ERP solution, or if you’re looking for something a little different than what you already have, we hope these are the perfect resources to get you started on the decision-making process.
Looking for more? Download our ERP buyers guide for free and compare the top-24 products available on the market with full page vendor profiles. The guide includes four key capabilities to look for in an ERP solution, plus five questions to ask yourself and five questions to ask the software provider before purchasing. It’s the perfect resource for anyone looking for the right ERP for their business/organization.
And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn for all the latest in the ERP space!