Study: Creating Supply Chain Value in the Digital Era

Peter Edlund has over 20 years of experience solving complex supply chain integration problems and is currently the founding member and executive at Dicentral, a global B2B integration company committed to helping companies appreciate and realize the full benefit and value of connected commerce solutions.
In his recent blog post, Edlund discusses a recent study that Dicentral partnered with SAP and the Global Supply Chain Institute of the University of Tennessee to complete. The study titled, Proactive Partnerships: Creating Supply Chain Value in the Digital Era, has just been released, and can provide valuable insights for anyone working within a supply chain – from project managers to the CIO – looking to validate or reconsider their approaches to enterprise software and business-to-business integration.
According to Edlund, the study reveals that the benefits of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) integration with a fully automated supply chain are many, including improved business processes, better reporting capabilities, enhanced data accuracy and consistency, and greater integration with other business applications. Most importantly, however, study participants reported increases in customer service levels even while managing year over year business growth of 10 percent.
Below is a short, 2 minute video from Edlund announcing the study and discussing some important considerations to take while running an ERP implementation project, such as positive change, an automation collaboration process, and Return on Investment (ROI).
We suggest reading his blog post titled “How an ERP Implementation Can Get You Fired (And What You Can Do About it!)” in full for more information about the consequences of non-integrated supply chains.
Get a copy of Proactive Partnerships: Creating Supply Chain Value in the Digital Era here.
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