ERPScan Announces Release of the First and Only AI-Driven SAP Cybersecurity Platform

ERPScan, the most innovative ERP cybersecurity provider, announced the release of the first and only Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven cybersecurity platform at “Cybersecurity for SAP Customers” conference in Las Vegas.
According to the company, the new platform leverages Machine Learning and Deep Learning to provide predictive, preventive, detective and responsive capabilities thus covering all aspects of SAP security in one platform.
While cyberattacks are looming over large enterprises, it is inappropriate to rely on the detection and patching of vulnerabilities alone but crucial to detect any potential attack. Business applications are customized in the way that building the signature-based threat detection is ineffective, and, as a matter of fact, traditional approaches can hardly help.
The new smart ERPScan platform introduces three important features to SAP security:
- Threats and anomalies detection with a specific interface and functions based on a user’s role.
- The integration of all SAP security areas (e.g., Platform security, Code security, and SoD).
- The support for SAP cybersecurity requirements from Gartner PPDR (Predict, Prevent, Detect, Respond and Monitor) framework.
“This solution is a real breakthrough for us. We spent the last two years on developing a solution that would be able to not only cover all areas of SAP cybersecurity, but also be intuitive by adding machine learning and adaptive interfaces. Our secret team of data scientists and machine learning experts battled with the experienced Research team and taught the system to detect advanced attacks and anomalous user behavior. Now we are ready to present the new generation of SAP cybersecurity products, and it’s so exciting,” commented Alexander Polyakov, founder and CTO at ERPScan.
There are two notable attack vectors on ERP systems: exploiting traditional vulnerabilities to gain remote access and analyzing the behavior if an attacker finally gains access to the system.
“Our engine learns the normal user behavior in SAP systems, profiles, user activities and reports if the number of suspicious events reaches a particular mark. The combination of two approaches with modules aiding in cybersecurity is a game-changing solution against hackers,” adds Polyakov.
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