How to Increase ERP Efficiency
Increasing your ERP efficiency is an excellent way to ensure the system will last. ERP software has been a part of major technological changes over the past decade or so, and still continues to be. These systems came into existence in the late ’90’s, and since then, have evolved to incorporate new emerging technologies, customer demands, and trends. As a result, solution providers have had to shift their focus and develop tools that meet the needs of organizations dealing with increasingly large data and process volumes.
The process of searching and evaluating an ERP solution is not as simple as it once was, there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to ERP software. When thinking about the near future, it’s important to keep these fundamentals in mind while evaluating current ERP systems.
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How to Increase Efficiency
Cloud computing is becoming more popular and being widely adopted across different businesses. With cloud enabling access from anywhere, a business can now be conducted from the comforts of home. Floor workers, clerks, management and other stakeholders in the business are preferring mobile over desktops to operate their business. With mobile phones being entwined in people’s lives, using ERP software on the mobiles will become inevitable. This is increasing the need for ERP software to incorporate mobile capabilities and compatibility with different devices.
ERP systems have been in existence since the 1990s and have been constantly evolving ever since. Its safe to say that ERP software is here to stay. This means that the companies which are using archaic systems are to upgrade themselves as they have become outdated and also the new generation employees which have grown up using social media and other advanced technological innovation would not be interested in using the obsolete systems. The ERP developers need to modernize their software and make them more user- friendly keeping in mind the quality of the software users.
Most business and enterprises put their customers first. Any business decision is made keeping in mind the customers who are eventually the end users. But this has not yet trickled down to the ERP systems. The ERP software has been built keeping warehouse management, accounts, supply chain and audits in mind but not the customers. However, this is changing now. Big ERP giants are now investing heavily in trying to make ERP more customer friendly. Integrating CRM with ERP is not the only solution. Seamless integration of various factors contributing to business like e-commerce, customer service, social media, finance, and analytics will make the ERP more customer oriented.
The future seems bright for vendors who provide many options for different modules, business types, and functions. Though SaaS solutions offered by cloud computing are making it big, the companies will want an amalgamation of both cloud solutions as well as on-premise solutions. They will want the freedom to choose both or move from one solution to another in the future.
Looking for more? Download our ERP Buyers Guide for free to compare the top-24 products available on the market with full page vendor profiles, key capabilities, an ERP software market overview, our bottom line analysis, and questions for prospective buyers.
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