5 More Essential IAM Twitter Accounts You Need To Follow
A few weeks ago, we gave you a list of the top 10 identity and access management (IAM) Twitter accounts to follow to turn your feed into a veritable treasure trove of insightful IAM news and information. We hope that our suggestions of five industry thought leaders and five vendors helped you achieve that, but we recognize that Twitter is a big, big place.
Twitter’s active user base is 243 million users— that’s nearly four times the population of the United Kingdom. It would be foolhardy to think that we could get all of the best IAM accounts in a measly ten-part list
So we’re back at it, helping you feed the feed need with the best IAM news, thought leadership, and best practices.
Read ahead for five more essential IAM Twitter accounts in the non-profit and media fields and don’t forget to follow me @cloudtechreview for IAM and cloud computing news and best practices.
FIDO Alliance @FIDOalliance
The Fast Identity Online (FIDO) Alliance is a non-profit organization formed in 2012 to address a lack of interoperability and compatibility among strong authentication devices, and to change the nature of online authentication by developing specifications and standards for open, scalable, and interoperable mechanisms to reduce reliance on passwords for authentication.
Put simply, FIDO is a group of people working to make authentication simpler, safer, and more reliable. FIDO Alliance board members include executives from Microsoft, Google, Lenovo, and Bank of America.
FIDO puts out a lot of great ideas and thought leadership on the future of identity and authentication, and the best way to stay on top of it all is by following them on Twitter.
University of Texas Center for Identity @UTCenterforID
The truth is, if there is any logic to your password, it is susceptible to an attack. #ChatSTC #PasswordDay
— Center for Identity (@UTCenterforID) May 7, 2015
The University of Texas Center for Identity (UT CID) is a leader center of research and education in the fields of identity management, privacy, and security. The UT CID has several areas of research focusing on a broad range of identity management topics including financial services, consumer services, energy, healthcare, government, and national security.
UT CID’s Twitter account is an invaluable resource for the latest identity research and thought leadership.
SC Magazine @SCMagazine
Study: Root cause of health care breaches shifts to criminal attacks | https://t.co/oYvZNsiAtb
— SC Media (@SCMagazine) May 7, 2015
SC Magazine is a publication with the goal of “arming information security professionals with the in-depth, unbiased business and technical information they need” to handle security challenges, and they do a pretty good job of that.
SC Magazine has editorial teams in the US and UK, and posts a steady stream of cyber security news, as well as opinion pieces and white papers, to its Twitter account.
Info Security Magazine @InfosecurityMag
Caesar's Implements Mobile Authentication https://t.co/cBdQDgtUg7
— Infosecurity Magazine (@InfosecurityMag) May 5, 2015
London and New York City based Info Security magazine is dedicated to the strategy and technology of information security, and its Twitter feed is a valuable resource for the latest security news and best practices.
It’s not all IAM, all the time, but what you do get will be well written, well researched, and insightful.
Dark Reading @DarkReading
Building a Stronger Security Strategy: 6 Tips https://t.co/tn4SpIg95M
— Dark Reading (@DarkReading) May 4, 2015
Dark Reading is an internet security news site and online community for security professionals providing the latest information security news and opinion. DR maintains a dedicated page for endpoint protection and authentication, and is a great resource for IAM news and opinion.