4 BYOD Security Policies Your Company Needs to Adopt

What are the BYOD security policies your business needs to enact? An increasing number of businesses are implementing BYOD policies, allowing employees to use their own personal devices for company work. A good BYOD policy will improve employee satisfaction and reduce corporate costs, but it also needs to address security requirements and challenges. Otherwise, employee devices can become a major security hazard for your enterprise.
How do you protect your enterprise and its devices while allowing user-owned hardware to perform business tasks? What policies ensure that your employees will securely operate business-critical devices? Below, we’ve outlined four security policies to help protect enterprises that have integrated a BYOD plan.
In order to ensure your BYOD policy is secure, your company should consider an enterprise mobility management (EMM) solution. Our free 2019 Buyer’s Guide contains profiles on the top vendors in the mobility management field and their key features and functions. It also lists questions you should ask yourself and prospective vendors before you choose a solution.
Enforcing the same identity and access management measures
When you’re in the process of vetting an employee device, you should ensure that it can comply with your identity and access management (IAM) requirements. Passwords, biometrics, tokens — whatever your enterprise uses for access management, every BYOD device needs to apply it. This will keep your security management consistent and make it easier to set up a new device.
Forbidding specific apps
Unsafe applications that users have downloaded onto their mobile devices can cause your enterprise huge amounts of grief. At its core, your BYOD application security policies should ban any apps that haven’t come from an official app store, such as the iOS App Store or Google Play. Not every app that comes from a homebrew installation is necessarily dangerous, but when it comes to BYOD security, it’s better safe than sorry. Also, your employees need to be careful giving permissions to applications to ensure that they aren’t allowed to access corporate data.
Ensuring secure connections outside the office
Your business can (and should) be protecting its own network so that BYOD devices can operate safely at work — but what about networks you can’t control? When you allow employees to use personal devices for work, you need to ensure that they’ll take care of those devices when they’re not at the office. Public WiFi networks should be avoided at all costs, and your employees need to be careful using their home networks if they’ll be working from home. Your BYOD policy should outline mandatory security regulations that employees must follow — and penalties if they’re broken.
Planning for a lost or stolen device
It’s unfortunate to think about, but your company needs a plan in place in case one of your BYOD devices is lost or stolen. Your policy should state that an employee needs to report a missing device as soon as possible; this reduces the window between when a device is lost and when your enterprise takes steps to protect the data contained within. Most EMM solutions come with remote wipe capabilities so your company can remotely remove sensitive business data from a device, preventing hackers or thieves from accessing it.
Looking for more info on the benefits of enterprise mobility management? You should check out our free 2019 MDM Buyer’s Guide. We profile the top vendors in the mobile device management field, their key capabilities, and our Bottom Line for each.
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