The Essential Best Practices for Enterprise Mobile Device Security

What are the best practices for enterprise mobile device security that your business needs to adopt? As more and more businesses adopt mobile devices into their infrastructure, the need for solid mobile security increases. Your company needs to protect its mobile devices from security hazards in order to ensure successful business operation. By implementing these five mobile device security best practices, your enterprise will ensure that it is protected from mobile security threats.
For more information on enterprise mobile device security, you should consider an enterprise mobility management (EMM) solution. Our free 2019 Buyer’s Guide contains profiles on the top vendors in the mobility management field and their key features and functions. It also lists questions you should ask yourself and prospective vendors before you choose a solution.
Having proper access control methods
You don’t want any user accessing your mobile devices unless they’re authorized to. Access control restricts your enterprise’s systems to only users that your company wants to access them. For mobile devices, your company needs to implement access control methods like lock screen passwords and biometric authentication to prevent unauthorized users from entering the device. This might also include location-based access control, which won’t allow people to access a device unless it’s at your office.
Blocking suspicious mobile applications
Mobile applications can pose a huge risk to your enterprise. Your employees should not download applications onto your mobile devices from anywhere but official app stores. If necessary, your company may consider blocking all installation of applications by employees; this means that your enterprise will need to install business applications onto its devices itself.
Forbidding public WiFi networks
Public WiFi networks are the bane of any security professional’s existence — and for good reason. It might seem convenient to your employees that it can connect to a public wireless network to save on data usage. However, hackers will often lurk on public networks waiting to infiltrate any device that connects to it. Many public WiFi networks have little (if anything) in the way of encryption, making it dangerous to connect to one. If it’s absolutely necessary for an employee to connect to a public network, they should use a VPN to provide some layer of protection.
Training your employees on mobile device security
Your employees can often be the biggest security risk to your enterprise. When you introduce mobile devices into your company’s infrastructure, you need to train your employees on how to operate them safely. This includes teaching them which practices to employ and which ones to avoid. Every employee who uses a mobile device should be brought up to speed on these practices in order to ensure consistency across your enterprise.
Identify your enterprise’s mobile security professionals
Who in your enterprise should employees turn to when they have a question about mobile device security? Having a dedicated mobile security professional will help reduce some of the stress on your enterprise when it comes to keeping your mobile devices protected.
Looking for more info on the benefits of enterprise mobility management? You should check out our free 2019 MDM Buyer’s Guide. We profile the top vendors in the mobile device management field, their key capabilities, and our Bottom Line for each.
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