The Key Capabilities of Enterprise Mobility Management

What are the key capabilities of enterprise mobility management solutions? As mobile solutions and BYOD programs become more commonplace, companies need a way to manage their mobile devices, applications, and services. That’s where enterprise mobility management (EMM) comes in. Enterprise mobility management solutions allow companies to keep track of their mobile devices and ensure that they’re being used securely. We’ve compiled several features that should be included in any EMM solution. Every enterprise mobility management tool worth its salt will include these key capabilities!
Looking for more information on enterprise mobility management solutions? Our free 2019 Buyer’s Guide has you covered! The guide contains profiles on the top vendors in the mobility management field and their key features and functions. It also lists questions you should ask yourself and prospective vendors before you choose a solution.
Mobility management suite
The backbone of any enterprise mobility management solution is a combination of mobility management tools. These tools previously existed as their own technologies, but are now combined to form an EMM solution. The exact management tools that an EMM suite will include will vary, but at their core, EMM solutions will include the following technologies:
Mobile device management
Mobile device management (MDM) allows users to administrate security policies to their company’s mobile devices. Administrators create the policies through the EMM software, which then pushes the policies over the air onto devices; an MDM agent installed on the device will communicate with the native APIs to enact those policies.
Mobile application management
Mobile application management (MAM) works similarly to MDM, but it applies security policies to enterprise applications. This helps companies ensure that business-critical mobile applications are operating safely, protecting the corporate data used by those applications.
Mobile identity management
Mobile identity management (MIM) applies identity and access management capabilities to mobile devices. Authentication measures like passwords, certifications, and biometrics help assure your enterprise that only authorized users are accessing your mobile devices.
Compatibility with major mobile device and OS providers
We all know that every mobile device and mobile operating system is different — and that can be a problem when it comes to managing them. If an EMM solution isn’t able to properly manage every mobile device in your infrastructure, it won’t do you any good. Most EMM providers create solutions that support mobile devices and operating systems designed by the top manufacturers; however, when examining EMM tools for your enterprise, you’ll want to ensure that it can handle the mobile devices your employees will be using.
Mobile device GPS tracking
Enterprise mobility management is primarily a security tool; part of your mobile security strategy should be to know where all your mobile devices are at all times. With GPS tracking functionality, EMM solutions can determine the geographic location of all connected devices. That way, in the event that a device is lost or stolen, your company can potentially track it down and recover it.
Remote device locking and wiping
If your company can’t recover a device after it’s lost, an administrator needs to be able to wipe the data from the device remotely. EMM solutions allow enterprises to completely remove any traces of your company’s data from a device — all from the EMM management console.
Looking for more info on the benefits of enterprise mobility management? You should check out our free 2019 MDM Buyer’s Guide. We profile the top vendors in the mobile device management field, their key capabilities, and our Bottom Line for each.
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