What Are the Benefits of Mobile Devices for Enterprises?
Companies want to use the latest and greatest technology to help them accomplish business tasks. A wave of digital transformation initiatives in the business world has opened up the playing field for digital solutions that require technological advances to work properly. One of these solutions is the use of mobile devices to accomplish business tasks, which offers several benefits for companies.
The benefits of mobile devices for enterprises are numerous, and should be considered by any business looking to integrate new technologies. Mobile devices not only extend the workforce’s capabilities beyond the office, but the number of business applications that run on mobile devices provide several advantages as well. What are the benefits of mobile devices for enterprises and why should they consider mobility solutions?
Remote business work
The most obvious of the benefits mobile devices bring is that workers can perform business tasks remotely. True to its name, mobile devices have the advantage of being able to go wherever its owner can. Rather than accomplishing tasks on a workstation that is either difficult or impossible to move outside the office, employees can concentrate on their work with a device that can fit in their pocket. Thus, remote work is more feasible than ever with mobile devices in your employee’s hands.
Depending on your business needs, remote work may or may not appeal to you. There are several tasks that may require in-house hardware or software. However, if your mobile device can support a business application critical to your organization, it might be wise to integrate mobile devices into your infrastructure so your workers can take advantage of working remotely.
Mobile devices and business communication
If your enterprise doesn’t have good communication between its employees, it won’t be able to efficiently get business tasks done. However, mobile devices are the perfect way for workers to communicate with each other regarding official (or unofficial) matters. Because mobile devices can be taken anywhere, an employee can keep in touch with their team or upper management from anywhere. Even if they’re working remotely, they can still contact the enterprise regarding business matters using chat applications or official email apps.
Taking advantage of mobile apps
Applications are one of the things mobile devices are most known for in both the business world and personal usage. These mobile applications can provide enterprises with the ability to perform work from the comfort of a user’s device. Many solution providers offer mobile versions of their enterprise software, which might be freely available to users and customers. Your enterprise can use Google’s G Suite applications, for example, to access files stored on Google Docs, Google Sheets, etc. from anywhere. There are also several mobile-specific applications that your employees might be able to leverage in their daily operations. If an application can help employees perform their work, it should be considered for your mobility solutions alongside mobile devices.
If you want to learn more about the benefits of enterprise mobility management, you should check out our free 2019 MDM Buyer’s Guide. We profile the top vendors in the mobile device management field, their key capabilities, and our Bottom Line for each.