Five Must Attend Cloud Events for Fall 2017

Nothing stays still in the world of the cloud. The market is growing at an incredible rate, but it’s also consolidating as the world’s leading tech firms lock into fierce competition. All the while, the technology is advancing and proliferating so quickly that it can be hard to keep a handle on all of the changes— PaaS, SaaS, IaaS, AWS, APIs, VMs, CDNs, containers — it can start to get your head spinning.
At Solutions Review, we do our best to provide IT professionals with the top cloud platforms best practices, news and buyer’s guides, but sometimes you need a little extra push, the kind you can only get in person.
We understand, and that’s why we’ve created this list of the top 10 cloud computing conferences for this fall. If you’re looking for top-notch speakers, vendor demos, and networking opportunities, look no further.
Microsoft Ignite
When: September 35-29
Where: Orange County Convention Center , Orlando FL
While a number of cloud computing events focus on infrastructure, Microsoft Ignite takes a look at actually reinventing IT infrastructures, driving business agility, and much more. At Ignite, attendees get a comprehensive look at Office 365, Windows 10, and a number of other services. The event is completely free and provides hands-on experience and direct access to experts.
AWS re:Invent 2017
When: November 27 – December 1
Where: Las Vegas, NV
AWS re:Invent is taking over Las Vegas this fall, with a whole host of exciting bootcamps, hands-on labs, and new product announcements. There will be a number of technical events for developers, engineers, system admins, architects, and more. If your organizations is using AWS for your cloud strategy, this events is definitely worth marking in your calendar.
CloudSec London 2017
When: September 5
Where: London
“CLOUDSEC Events are one of the largest internet security conferences held across Europe & Asia Pacific. These events are vendor-neutral and feature presentations by industry experts who address a wide spectrum of real-world challenges and current strategies in internet security today. These events are hosted by Trend Micro and supported by industry leaders, government agencies, commercial organisations, professional associations, technology vendors, and cyber security professionals from around the world.”
Cloud Computing Expo
When: October 31- November 2
Where: Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara CA
This event looks to explore the entire world of enterprise cloud computing, including private, public, and hybrid scenarios. The Cloud COmputing Expo will address the latest on topics including IoT, big data, containers, microservices, DevOps, and WebRTC with keynote discussions, general sessions, breakout sessions, panels, and an expo floor.
Hosting + Cloud Transformation Summit
When: September 18-20
Where: Las Vegas
451 Research is hosting this cloud event as an opportunity for attendees to hear analyst advice firsthand. 451 Analysts bring insights on cloud technology, strategies, tactics, trends, and marketplace behavior. This event is a must-attend for those looking to escape a legacy business model or even those just curious about hearing from veteran cloud tech experts.
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