Video: Mobile Threat Protection with Troy Mobility’s Paul Troisi
Solutions Review recently sat down with Chief Customer Officer of Troy Mobility, Paul Troisi, to discuss the benefits of Mobile Threat Protection (MTP), along with where MTP fits in the Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) space.
Endpoint devices are ingrained in the workplace, but they’re also incredibly vulnerable to attacks and data breaches. Mobile Threat Protection is a necessity in the working world as a means of protecting data, and mobility solution providers, like Troy Mobility, offer tools to make integrating MTP into your EMM solution simpler.
On the subject, Troisi stated, “there are many organizations that say, ‘look, we need to make sure that we understand what applications we have running across our mobile enterprise.’ So being able to integrate an MTP with your existing EMM, and [being] able to grab that app inventory gives you a sense around [the] scoring of those applications, so we know what is a good or a bad application.”
Watch the full interview below to learn more about MTP. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!
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