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Google Cloud Announces Network Monitoring Solution, Network Intelligence Center

Google Cloud Announces Network Monitoring Solution, Network Intelligence Center
Google Cloud Announces Network Monitoring Solution, Network Intelligence Center

Source: Google Cloud

Today, Google Cloud announced the launch of Network Intelligence Center, a cloud-based network monitoring and optimization platform — the latest in Google’s cloud networking solutions suite. Network Intelligence Central allows users to monitor their entire network infrastructure, including cloud environments and on-premise data centers, from the Google Cloud console. This solution allows Google Cloud users to maintain solid network performance and remain agile as they adopt hybrid and multicloud solutions.

Our Network Monitoring Buyer’s Guide contains profiles on the top network performance monitoring vendors, as well as questions you should ask providers and yourself before buying.

Network Intelligence Center’s initial launch includes four modules, with several more planned for the future. Network Topology provides visualizations on a network infrastructure and displays performance metrics for nodes and edges. Connectivity Test helps users to quickly self-diagnose connectivity issues and outages, as well as determine how configuration changes will affect your network before your apply them. These two modules are the main body of Network Intelligence Center, and are currently in beta.

“Network Intelligence Center has been transformational for us to optimize our network operations,” said Rob Lyon, Enterprise Architect at mobile app analytics company Kochava. “Using Network Intelligence Center, we discovered that data transferred to a particular GCE region was significantly higher than expected. By looking at Network Topology, we were able to diagnose and fix this issue, and save significant costs.”

The other two modules that Google Cloud Network Intelligence Center currently includes are Performance Dashboard and Firewall Metrics & Insights, which are launching in alpha. Performance Dashboard provides real-time visibility into packet loss and latency at a per-project level; Firewall Metrics & Insights helps users optimize firewall rules and ensure that firewall rules are being followed. All four of these modules grant Google Cloud users and network professionals to proactively identify problems with their complex network infrastructures — a necessity for those running both on-premise and cloud environments.

Looking for a solution to help you improve your network performance? Our Network Monitoring Buyer’s Guide contains profiles on the top network performance monitoring vendors, as well as questions you should ask providers and yourself before buying.

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