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LiveAction Upgrades LiveCapture for 40 Gbps Packet Capture

LiveAction Upgrades LiveCapture for 40 Gbps Packet Capture

LiveAction Upgrades LiveCapture for 40 Gbps Packet Capture

LiveAction is updating its packet capture and analysis tool LiveCapture to upgrade its forensics speeds to up to 40 Gbps, according to a press release on GlobeNewswire. The new version of the tool, LiveCapture 3100 v13.1, boosts the packet capture software’s performance levels, allowing users to capture and analyze more network and application data at one time. With these updates, LiveAction can help users to troubleshoot issues at a rapid pace even when dealing with increased network speeds.

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LiveCapture is a high-performance packet capture for network monitoring and troubleshooting of application level issues. The solution, optimized for LiveAction’s protocol analysis software Omnipeek, extends network monitoring and visibility to app issues at remote sites and branches, WAN links, and data centers. LiveCapture helps users optimize the performance of your remote network, capturing packets to troubleshoot applications like VoIP and video using deep forensic analysis.

The solution’s new 40 Gbps data packet capture rate reflects the evolving network speeds that large enterprises and companies are introducing. As network speeds increase, businesses rely on packet analysis solutions to keep up in order to process the larger amounts of data flowing through a network. The solution can naturally integrate with Omnipeek to deliver problem isolation, troubleshooting, root-cause analysis, and resolution.

In the company’s official press release, LiveAction’s Vice President of Engineering Vishwas Puttasubbappa stated: “The latest update to LiveCapture features powerful network recording capabilities for capturing massive traffic loads and enables customers to conduct real-time analysis and network forensic examination into live traffic for superior network monitoring and troubleshooting. No other solution on the market is capable of capturing and analyzing traffic across the most demanding enterprise networks with this level of simplicity and efficiency.”

Learn more about LiveCapture here.

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