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The 8 Best IP Monitoring Tools for Enterprises and IT Teams

The Top X IP Monitoring Tools for Enterprises and IT Teams

The Top X IP Monitoring Tools for Enterprises and IT Teams

Solutions Review lists the eight best IP monitoring solutions and tools your business needs to consider.

Every single device that can connect to a network has its own IP address. This is the name that devices and software use when communicating with each other. There are potentially hundreds (maybe even thousands) of devices connected to an enterprise network at any given time. Without IP addresses to designate a specific name for each device, it would be impossible for IT teams and software solutions to keep track of them all. With IP monitoring tools, enterprises can keep an eye on the status and availability of every device on their infrastructure via their IP addresses.

IT teams should be monitoring their IP addresses when it comes to network monitoring strategies. With IP monitoring tools, your enterprise can not only see how much space you have left in your IP capacity, but also monitor for and alert users to the status of connected devices. Which IP monitoring tools are the best for your enterprise? Below, we’ve listed eight monitoring tools for tracking IP addresses that any IT team should consider.

If you’re looking for more resources on the best network and IP monitoring tools and vendors, our 2019 Network Monitoring Buyer’s Guide has you covered! It contains profiles on the top 28 network monitoring providers in the market today, including descriptions of the tools they offer and noteworthy features of each. The guide also features 10 questions you should ask prospective vendors and yourself before buying a network monitoring solution. You can download that guide here!

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Angry IP Scanner

Angry IP Scanner is an open source network and IP scanning tool. The software scans for IP addresses connected to a network and checks on the status and availability of every device. Angry IP Scanner uses a multithread approach to monitoring by creating a separate thread for each scanned IP address; this increases the speed of the tool’s IP monitoring. The tool also supports NetBIOS information, favorite IP address ranges, web server detection, and customizable openers.

Famatech Advanced IP Scanner

famatech advanced ip scannerFamatech’s Advanced IP Scanner is a free IP scanning tool that provides analysis on LAN networks and devices. Advanced IP Scanner allows you to scan for devices on your network and remotely control connected computers and nodes. You can switch computers off from the tool if you know that the device isn’t in use and is utilizing valuable resources. The tool connects with Famatech’s Radmin solution for remote IT management, so you can manage IP addresses from anywhere.

ManageEngine OpUtils

ManageEngine OpUtils is an IP address and switch port management tool. OpUtils is designed to help IT teams monitor and diagnose problems with switches and devices. The solution can help enterprises find rouge devices, monitor the availability of critical devices, and scan IP addresses end-to-end. OpUtils features a customizable hierarchical view of IP addresses, allowing users to examine every subnet individually. ManageEngine offers both a free and paid of OpUtils.


ntopng is an open source network traffic analysis tool that features IP monitoring capabilities. The tool is a network traffic probe that sorts network traffic into different criteria, including IP addresses and throughput. By characterizing network traffic, your enterprise can easily determine different network statistics that are affecting your network. While ntopng’s base version is open source, Professional and Enterprise versions are also available.

Paessler PRTG

Paessler PRTG is a network monitoring tool that offers IP monitoring capabilities. PRTG’s monitoring features include capabilities to track bandwidth, as well as network traffic, applications, and data packets. The software functions as an all-in-one monitoring suite which is also able to monitor cloud environments, virtual machines, and hardware in addition to a network. For IP monitoring, PRTG features IP scanning, IP check, and ping functions in addition to running IP sensors.

Solarwinds IP Address Manager

Solarwinds IP Address Manager is an IP monitoring and managing tool. The tool integrates IP, DNS, and DCHP tracking and monitoring capabilities with alerting, troubleshooting, and reporting functions for IP addresses on a network. Solarwinds supports multiple on-premise and cloud vendors as well as automated IP tracking and static IP address requests. With the tool’s historic IP data features, your IT team can examine the history of any IP address that’s connected to the network.

Spiceworks IP Scanner

Spiceworks IP Scanner is an IP scanning and monitoring tool. The software scans for any and all devices on your network; it then displays them on a dashboard that lists IP addresses, MAC addresses, operating systems, vendors, etc. You can sort these devices by any one of these factors, or by a number of more detailed software and hardware variables – like CPU, memory, storage, or serial number. These detailed statistics are gathered by agents you can install on your network.


Visualware’s VisualPulse is a network monitoring solution with a focus on IP address management. The tool can monitor up to 500 different IP addresses at once, analyzing for device latency and packet loss. VisualPulse monitors IP addresses for several metrics to ensure that a device is operational and running smoothly. The tool will also create reports on these metrics and analyze network problems in real-time. Visualware offers both a Standard and Professional edition.

Looking for a solution to help you improve your network performance? Our Network Monitoring Buyer’s Guide contains profiles on the top network performance monitor vendors, as well as questions you should ask providers and yourself before buying.

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