The Top 7 Network Security Books You Need to Read in 2020
For network engineers and administrators that focus on network security, books are an excellent resource for learning how to effectively design and operate network security solutions. To that end, we’ve listed the top seven network security books that you should add to your reading list below. These books are intended for beginners and experts alike and are written by authors with proficiency and/or recognition in building and running wireless networks.
If you’re looking for resources to help you evaluate network performance monitoring (NPM) solutions, our free Network Monitoring Buyer’s Guide has you covered! It contains profiles on the top network monitoring providers in the market today, including descriptions of the tools they offer and noteworthy features of each. The guide also features 10 questions you should ask prospective vendors and yourself before buying a network monitoring solution. You can check out that guide here.
Applied Network Security Monitoring
by Chris Sanders and Jason Smith
“Applied Network Security Monitoring is the essential guide to becoming an NSM analyst from the ground up. This book takes a fundamental approach, complete with real-world examples that teach you the key concepts of NSM. Network security monitoring is based on the principle that prevention eventually fails. In the current threat landscape, no matter how much you try, motivated attackers will eventually find their way into your network.”
Cryptography and Network Security
“Stallings’ Cryptography and Network Security, Seventh Edition, introduces the reader to the compelling and evolving field of cryptography and network security. In an age of viruses and hackers, electronic eavesdropping, and electronic fraud on a global scale, security is paramount. The purpose of this book is to provide a practical survey of both the principles and practice of cryptography and network security.”
Defensive Security Handbook
by Amanda Berlin and Lee Brotherston
“Despite the increase of high-profile hacks, record-breaking data leaks, and ransomware attacks, many organizations don’t have the budget to establish or outsource an information security program, forcing them to learn on the job. For companies obliged to improvise, this pragmatic guide provides a security-101 handbook with steps, tools, processes, and ideas to help you drive maximum-security improvement at little or no cost.”
Network Monitoring and Analysis
“Ever wonder what’s actually happening inside your network? Why multi-tier applications suddenly slow down, print jobs fail, network elements suddenly disappear? […] That’s where Ed Wilson’s Network Monitoring and Analysis comes in. It’s your complete, hands-on guide to monitoring and analyzing Windows NT-based networks-and using the information to maximize performance, plan for growth-even identify intruders!”
Network Security Essentials
“Network Securities Essentials: Applications and Standards introduces readers to the critical importance of internet security in our age of universal electronic connectivity. Amidst viruses, hackers, and electronic fraud, organizations and individuals are constantly at risk of having their private information compromised. This creates a heightened need to protect data and resources from disclosure, guarantee their authenticity, and safeguard systems from network-based attacks.”
Network Security Monitoring: Basics for Beginners
“The author begins by explaining some of the basics of computer networking and the basic tools which can be used for monitoring a computer network. The process of capturing and analyzing the packets of a network is discussed in detail. This is a good technique which can help network security experts identify anomalies or malicious attacks on the packets transmitted over a network. You are also guided on how to monitor the network traffic for the Heartbleed bug, which is very vulnerable to network attackers.”
Network Security with pfSense
“While connected to the internet, you’re a potential target for an array of cyber threats, such as hackers, keyloggers, and Trojans that attack through unpatched security holes. A firewall works as a barrier (or ‘shield’) between your computer and cyberspace. pfSense is highly versatile firewall software. With thousands of enterprises using pfSense, it is fast becoming the world’s most trusted open source network security solution.”
Looking for a solution to help you improve your network performance? Our Network Monitoring Buyer’s Guide contains profiles on the top network performance monitor vendors, as well as questions you should ask providers and yourself before buying.
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