How Can SIEM Deflect and Deter Modern Cyber-Threats?
A new wave of cyber-threats is on its way. How can SIEM deflect and deter modern cyber-threats?
Without cybersecurity, your business is out to sea. You need next-generation SIEM. It really is that simple.
Some IT decision-makers chafe at the idea of SIEM can help them deflect modern cyber-threats; SIEM does possess a reputation as being difficult to work with and generating false positives. However, this doubt doesn’t match with reality. Here’s why.
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How Can SIEM Deflect and Deter Modern Cyber-Threats
What is SIEM (And What Can It Do?)
SIEM provides the necessary log management tools to extend both visibility and security to the IT environment, even as it changes. Log management aggregates security event data from across the entire network, then normalizes it for easy analysis. Once it analyzes the aggregated data, it can detect potential threats and alert your security team for investigation. Additionally, SIEM offers out-of-the-box compliance reports. These can reduce the time and resources necessary to fill out these reports manually, and thus free your IT security team up to conduct more threat hunting.
SIEM’s job is to find and deflect modern cyber-threats, which rarely operate in a straightforward manner. A true cyber-attack might attack a few databases at once, or linger at certain portals collecting information or simply monitor activities to look for another vulnerability for the next step of their attack. Under normal circumstances, these attacks occur invisibly and thus increase dwell time.
Unsurprisingly, longer dwell times lead to more damage. This damage is both direct (obviously) but also indirect. After all, letting an attacker dwell on your IT environment for months does not bode well for future customer acquisition and brand reputation. Without these, your bottom line will struggle far into the future.
That’s SIEM in the present. What about how SIEM might adapt to future cyber-threats?
What Lies in the Future for SIEM?
Current research suggests SIEM becomes part of a wider cybersecurity platform unified by security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR). SOAR decentralizes and re-centralizes cybersecurity tools like SIEM, firewalls, and identity management by unifying each’s findings under one pane of glass. Current wisdom states that too many tools can weigh down the IT network, and this is true without something like SOAR to monitor and unify them.
A more unified platform forms a more robust digital perimeter, allowing SIEM to deflect more modern cyber-threats. Again hackers don’t want to attack well-secured enterprises; that’s a waste of their time and resources. Centralized cybersecurity enables faster investigations and responses, which means even hackers’ small victories can get wiped away in a (relative) instant. Why would they choose that target?
Visibility Matters
Visibility is the most essential cybersecurity principle. Without visibility, you’re literally operating in the dark. You can’t protect what you can’t see.
SIEM can assist with increasing network visibility via its log management. However, using SIEM as a visibility tool raises new questions. Where should your SIEM prioritize? How can it handle a scaled environment? Can you maintain visibility over your network when it isn’t under your direct vision?
A next-generation SIEM solution should enable your IT security team to revise and monitor configuration rules on the fly, easing the visibility issue. Also, it should scale with your environment even as it changes and transforms due to circumstances or deliberate transition to the cloud. All of this can help you adjust and improve your visibility and thus deflect modern cyber-threats.
You need to consult your IT security team to find the answers to these questions. You can also consult the SIEM Buyer’s Guide and the SOAR Buyer’s Guide for more information on the market.
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