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4 Mobile Low Code Development Platforms to Watch in 2017

People like quick and people like easy, two qualities that will never fall out of style. It’s these preferences that have provided us with the luxuries of drive-thru windows and online shopping. In IT however, this has led to low code app development platforms. As defined by Forrester, low-code development platforms allow for the rapid delivery of of business applications, minimizing hand-coding and upfront costs in deployment, set-up, and training. These invaluable tools are a great investment for organizations that may not have the IT resources available for traditional development costs or for those organizations looking to build an application as quick as possible.

Today, we’re seeing a whole crop of low code platforms making some exciting developments. Some of these platforms have been around for some time, while others are just making a name for themselves now. Take a look below for the low code platforms that have our attention in 2017.


A relative newcomer to the space, Aquro is a low code, cross-platform. The platform’s Visual Coding features saves IT teams time by allowing for users to program applications quickly with visual flows based on over 100 pre-built modules. The platform recently unveiled two new features ‘native transitions’ and the Aquro Content Manager service. The content management service lets users easily manage app content and store it in the Aquro Cloud database.

Check out Aquro here.


has consistently been at the head of the low code pack. This year alone, the platform has been recognized by both Trust Radius and Forrester as a leader in the space. In its latest update, Outsystems 10, the platform has combined the speed of low code development with some of the most advanced enterprise grade mobile features, including secure offline, one-click deployment, easy integration, and pixel-perfect UX.

Check out Outsystems here.


Kony was recently listed as a low code leader in the Q1 Forrester Wave Report for Low Code Mobile Application Development. Kony’s Visualizer offering is an integrated and intuitive development environment for building fully native mobile and web applications. Visualizer’s latest update offers a number of API enhancements, omni-channel widgets enhancements, and upgraded native widgets.

Check out Kony Visualizer here.


In addition to Appian’s BPM (business process management) offerings, the vendor also offers an impressive low code development platform designed for business applications. As a PaaS, users can rapidly build and deploy powerful enterprise grade mobile applications with the ability to scale their applications to fit business needs. With Appian’s Records feature, users can integrate structured data and documents and consolidate separate business applications for easy visualization.

Check out Appian here.

Doug Atkinson

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