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How do MADP and EMM Work Together?

Mobile Application Development and Enterprise Mobility Management are often grouped together when talking about managing mobile, enterprise devices. These two are technology siblings, with EMM being the older and wiser one and MADP being the young cool one that makes EMM that much better. So how do these tow work together?

It can be easy to write MADP off when considering an EMM solution; it’s another expense and why worry about more apps when you have all the ones you need already that are protected by app wrapping and the mobile application management feature of EMM. A lot of EMM solutions now include a corporate app store with many pre-made enterprise apps to push out to devices which are then controlled by mobile device management.

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But this isn’t really the case anymore and there is much more to consider when it comes to enterprise mobility. According to Jack Madden, “We can’t just be concerned about EMM alone, just like we realized we can’t just concentrate on MDM alone. These days, we have to be up on all of enterprise mobility, and that includes MADP, too.”

MAD platforms have been evolving rapidly and the demand for developers and native apps has risen dramatically over the past few years due to the understanding of enterprise apps for both security and usability reasons. According to Gartner, the demand for developers is so high that there aren’t enough available to fulfill the demand, prompting MADPs to make low-code or no-code platforms so developers won’t be needed to build these apps.

So how exactly do EMM and MADP work together?

For starters they both are included under the enterprise mobility management umbrella and it’s nearly impossible to talk EMM without mentioning apps. When you have both an EMM and an MADP solution, there are a lot of things you can do that not only make the development process smoother, but also help the deployment process and over all management of the apps.

“You can integrate MAM tools directly into the app development process, app distribution workflows are a lot easier, and things like building EMM policies can take into account both what’s going on outside of the app (on the device) and what’s going on in the app (the content of the apps, etc) to make management much more contextual,” says Madden.

EMM and MADP vendors have been announcing partnerships and working together for even better integration of the two solutions and some EMM vendors even do include MADP solution.

Doug Atkinson

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