The Top Tricks for Developing a Cross-Platform Application

For a few years now, the modern business has relied on mobility to perform a number of critical tasks. Employees and employers alike need to access company data from anywhere, at anytime, and on any device. To meet these requirements, enterprise applications should be built to work across the three most popular platforms; iOS, Windows, and Android. We’ve collected a list of the top advice for developing cross platform applications.
Determine the User Experience
As many features as you’d like to include, you should always keep an eye on user experience. Keep in mind that your mobile application should maintain a similar UX across platforms, with a continued look and feel. The best cross platform application developers are able to tell what iOS users want from an application, and what Android users want. By taking note of measurements such as screen sizes, you can make sure that critical elements such as navigation menus are within reach of a user’s thumb. Additionally, keep track of a user activities, and ensure that operations can be completed within the smallest amount of taps.
Choose a Reliable Cross Platform Tool
Not all development platforms are created equal. Native app developers will always preach the gospel of developing each application individually, namely speed and platform unique features. Don’t let them fool you into believing that cross platform tools are inherently incapable of these features. If you’re looking for further help on choosing a cross-platform development tool that’s right for your needs, be sure to check out our guide!
Take Advantage of Pre-Built Components
Starting the bottom up has its benefits but is often a costly and time intensive process. With pre-tested and reliable recycled code, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. By plugging individual modules into your application code, product quality and performance are improved.
Monitor Feedback
As with any mobile application it’s absolutely critical to monitor user feedback. It allows you to tweak the app in future updates, but with cross-platform development applications, you should keep track of feedback to learn how user experience differs across platforms. Do iOS users have more complaints than Android users? This feedback will inform you about the differences that should be addressed in future updates.
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