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The Top Four Endpoint Backup Solution Security Tips

The Top Four Endpoint Backup Solution Security Tips

The Top Four Endpoint Backup Solution Security TipsData loss is a concern for any organization. Businesses can lose not only credibility with their users, but large amounts of money in the event that data is lost as. Endpoints, in particular, are at a high risk of being compromised because there are so many variables at play. The risks that come with endpoint devices are damage to the device, user error, unauthorized data modification, and the loss or theft of the device. With so many risks related to mobile devices, an endpoint backup solution is a way to strengthen security. When choosing a solution, be on the lookout for these features:


Your endpoint backup solution should have the ability to protect all of your mobile device data. This requires your solution to rely on adoption as well as ease of use. The solution should be capable of managing almost continuous data protection without disruption or the need for intervention.


Automating certain backup tasks not only reduces risk, but helps to meet administrative, legal, and business data archive requirements. Making use of automation also reduces the possibility of an employee error, overall making your endpoint backup solution more secure.

Security In-Flight and At-Rest

Data encryption at all times is necessary for an endpoint backup solution. Some providers falsely claim that they offer encryption in-flight and at-rest if the data is encrypted at just one point during the process. For that reason, it is imperative that you confirm that your data is encrypted during the entire operation. The data should be encrypted on the initial device, as it is being transferred, and when it is resting on the server.

Encryption Key Management On-Premises

If encryption keys are stored next to the data by the cloud provider, the provider could release your data without you being aware of it in the event of a subpoena. Because of this, it would be ideal for encryption keys to be held in your own data center on a master server. Using this approach, you would be the only one with access to decrypt your data.

Endpoint devices are difficult to secure. Because of the potential for human error, they are the perfect target for cyber threats. However, using the above methods, your data will be better protected as well as harder to attack.

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