5 Experts Give Their Cloud Computing Predictions for 2016

Five cloud experts give their predictions around cloud and security for 2016. Contributors include Aaron Newman, COO CloudCheckr, Brad Schulteis, Rackspace, James Strayer, Racemi, Craig Deveson, Cloud Manager.
“Stop treating cloud computing as IT outsourcing or server colocation” – Brad Schulteis, Rackspace
“One of the biggest security challenges facing the cloud as we head into 2016 is the failure to move beyond antiquated security analysis frameworks. It is still far too common to be required to document physical locations, IP addresses, and hostnames as a part of security assessments and audits. We need to collectively stop treating cloud computing as IT outsourcing or server colocation and fully embrace the ephemeral and dynamic nature [of the cloud].” – Brad Shulteis
“The Discussion is no longer ‘if’ – it is now ‘what, when and how?'” – James Strayer, Racemi
“My prediction for 2016 is that this is the year of Enterprise IaaS adoption. The discussion is no longer ‘if’ – it is now ‘what, when, and how?’ Enterprises were testing the waters in 2014 and 2015 and have found that they like what IaaS has to offer, and the market should see hundreds of thousands of enterprise applications migrated to IaaS next year as a result. We also see companies diversifying their cloud strategy and not relying on a sole vendor for compute and storage services, which should also help them with their Disaster Recovery planning as well.” – James Strayer
“Cloud is the biggest change to security in a decade.” – Aaron Newman, CloudCheckr
“The cloud as introduced the biggest change to security in a decade. Fundamentally the same security principles apply. Organizations will continue to need to properly implement network, operating system, and database security. However, how these are implemented is significantly different. The cloud has characteristics tat make the old methodologies and tools ineffective. The cloud is ephemeral, elastic, and auto-scaling. These defining characteristics make implementing everything from intrusion detection to vulnerability management to perimeter assessment very different.” – Aaron Newman
“Get some freedom to build net new capabilities” – Brad Schulteis, Rackspace
“The top types of business applications that will move to the cloud in 2016 will be brand new, socially focused and collaborative environments. IT will stop being asked to simply MIGRATE existing capabilities into the cloud, and instead, get some freedom to build net new capabilities that truly take advantage of the disruptive nature of the cloud.” – Brad Schulteis, Rackspace
‘Installing and managing infrastructure has been commoditized so that owning is no longer the better option” – Aaron Newman, CloudCheckr
“Over the past few years, we have already seen everything from email to CRMs to ERPs move to the cloud. In 2016, we will see the largest movement in Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). The underlying servers, databases and networks that made up your data center can be moved to the public cloud very effectively. Installing and managing infrastructure has been commoditized to the point that owning your own is rarely a better option. We have even seen organizations such as the CIA adopting IaaS.
View the full slideshow for more predictions on the state of the cloud in 2016.
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