Data Integration is Shifting to the End-User According to Adeptia

As highlighted in recent news from Data and Application Integration provider Adeptia, end-user independence will be a large factor in the space through 2014. As integration solutions continue to incorporate the cloud into their services, end-users will be interested in integrating the data they need for their specific business processes without the assistance or reliance of internal IT departments.
In a recent programmable web post Adeptia refers to this as the “democratization of integration” saying that it is being driven by the very nature of today’s business. Simply, this shift of ownership and management of data boils down to time. Today’s business is moving faster than ever. Situation and questions need to be addressed in such a timely fashion that if business managers need to wait on results from IT, their opportunity may have already passed.
They write, “Once upon a time, says Singh, when the integration challenge in the enterprise involved integrating data from static applications, there was no rush. But modern business environments are much more dynamic, which means end users need a way to consume data that is becoming much more readily available to them via an API.”
Traditionally we have seen innovations in the data integration process addressing issues of simplifying processes for the developers. The idea of democratizing integration now addresses issues of simplifying data integration and management for the end-user. The use of dedicated integration application through a software-as-a-service (SaaS) application will give the end-user the visual tools to manage and incorporate the data they need now to answer critical question impacting their business processes.
The post points out that IT responsibilities may become limited to the construction and deployment of systems rather than then continued management of them. They write, “In the meantime, for better or worse, developers must get used to the idea that when it comes to integrating data, they may soon have much better things to do.”
Click here to read more on the democratization of integration from Adeptia.
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