Pentaho Updates Business Analytics with Spark Integration, Hortonworks Security

Source: Detail Dynamics
Pentaho recently announced version 7.1 of their flagship analytics solution. Major highlights of the newest iteration of Pentaho Business Analytics include adaptive execution on any engine for Big Data processing starting with Apache Spark, expanded cloud integration with Microsoft Azure HDInsight, enterprise-class security for Hortonworks, and improved in-line visualizations.
Version 7.1 supports Spark with virtually all of its Data Integration steps atop a visual drag-and-drop environment that provides the ability to choose an execution engine at run. Adaptive execution also expands the profile of those that can work with Spark cross-enterprise. While this release starts with Spark support, the architecture sets the stage for users to execute on the best engine for any given data workload in the future.
The update keeps with the times on the adoption of cloud computing in the enterprise with on-premises deployment and processing for Big Data and IoT environments that use machine learning and artificial intelligence. It builds on current cloud support for Amazon EMR with support for Microsof Azure HDInsight, Azure SQL and Azure SQL Server. Pentaho 7.1 builds on its existing enterprise-level security for Cloudera by adding similar security for Hortonworks with Kerberos Impersonation support to protect clusters from intrusion. Pentaho 7.1 also adds Apache Ranger support for authorizations and role-based access to specific data sets and applications for Hortonworks deployments.
Pentaho 7.1 provides even more access to visualizations during data preparation, allowing users to spot check data for quality issues and prototype analytic data at every stage of the data pipeline. Users can now interact with heat grids, geo maps, and sunbursts, as well as drill-down into data sets for further exploration. Additionally, users can leverage a flexible API with full documentation to bring in visualizations from third party libraries such as D3 or FusionCharts, making third party visualizations reusable across the entire Pentaho platform.
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