This Is the Best Integration Platform as a Service Product Right Now
According to the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), Dell Boomi is the best Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) product right now. The accolade comes as a result of Boomi’s win in the 2019 SIAA CODiE Awards, a contest that aims to highlight the top products in a number of software categories. Related award areas include API management and best information and data delivery solutions.
Dell Boomi’s flagship cloud integration platform is called AtomSphere and supports integration processes between cloud platforms, software-as-a-service applications, and on-prem systems. AtomSphere uses a visual interface to configure application integrations. The solution’s runtime tool, Boomi Atom, allows integrations to be deployed wherever they are needed. The AtomSphere platform is available in several editions, based on use case and functionality. A Q4 2018 update added new integration accelerators and features to expand security and compliance.
Though Dell Boomi was the overall winner in the iPaaS category, there were two notable finalists. Red Hat’s Fuse Online is the first, and makes it easy for business users to collaborate with integration experts and application developers. It features a fully cloud-hosted toolchain and runtime as well. The other CODiE finalist is Striim. The Striim Platform integrates data from a wide variety of sources, including transaction/change data, events, log files, application and IoT sensor, and real-time correlation across multiple streams.
Red Hat was also the SIIA’s top pick for the best API management solution category. Its 3scale product uses self-managed or cloud components that provide traffic control, security, and access policy enforcement. For the business information and data delivery category, the finalists include Copyright Clearance Center, PitchBook Data, PublicRelay, and Wolters Kluwer.
We encourage you to check out the full list of 2019 SIIA CODiE Award finalists and winners, or consult our free-to-use directory of the best data integration tools.