Top Three Best Practices for Data Integration Deployment
According to the IDC, data stored in enterprise applications is expected to grow by 50 percent each year to 40 zettabytes by 2020. With organizations collecting, storing and analyzing more data than ever before, systems need to put in place in order to deal with all of this data. These factors make Data Integration solutions absolutely essential to the health, wellness, and overall stability of the modern data-driven organization. Data Integration tools make it possible for companies to corral all of their data into one location, or at least several locations where it can be managed until it is ready to be analyzed.
An April article in IT Portal covered this very topic, and I thought it was important enough to summarize and bring to you, and even add my own commentary. The column highlights the “big three” ways that Data Integration tools can be deployed. Here’s an outline:
DIY Data Integration
This is the best method for an organization with a smaller amount of data. This route can be time-consuming and prone to error, but this is the simplest way to leverage all the data you’re collecting from various sources. A system of checks and balances is recommended here, meaning that more than one employee check the work of the other, and so on. Manual data transfers can be tedious, but if more than one user is on the case, it can usually be a cost-effective way of getting started.
This method may soon be a thing of the past however, as unstructured datasets pose grave threats for do-it-yourselfers, making the process of copying data into different locations much more complex. The IDC concurs, as they have shown that more than 90 percent of cloud data that sits in the cloud will be unstructured moving forward.
Native Plugins
DIY integration has its uses, but if you are working with a bigger dataset, more sophistication is probably needed. There are a variety of SaaS platforms out there that offer native plugins with their tools in order to help users log data that they may have stored in the cloud, allowing them to transfer data from one location to another swiftly and error-free. Keep in mind though that the plugin is not designed to deliver advanced findings by integrating them with many datasets, it simply organizes them in a way that makes analysis easier.
If you are interested in streamlining the sharing process, plugins may be the way to go.
Third-Party Tools
Third-party tools, which are popular amongst enterprise organizations looking to filter all their data into one place are designed specifically for accessibility and analysis. Organizations who subscribe to or purchase a third-party tool, like an Informatica can have piece of mind in knowing that it will yield the most complete findings with the ability to create visuals of the data in one place. More organization means that data will be more readily available when it is needed for analysis.
The other cool thing about third-party tools is that they have adaptability and scalability in that they can quickly adapt to changing market conditions and evolve as new business opportunities become available.
Credit to IT Portal for their original post.
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