Key Takeaways From Forrester’s Q1 2017 Mobile Low-Code Development Platforms Wave Report
Forrester has released its quarterly Wave Report for Mobile Low-Code Development Platforms. In this 24 criteria analysis of the mobile low-code platforms industry, researcher Jeffrey Hammond identified the 11 most significant vendors in the space including Outsystems, Salesforce, Appian, Capriza, and Alpha Software.
The Forrester Wave Report details their findings and takes a look at how each vendor meets or falls short of Forrester’s evaluation criteria and and where vendors fall in relation to each other. To assist businesses in finding the right low-code development platform, Forrester provides a market overview, and takes a separates vendors into categories including leaders, strong performers, and contenders. Here are some of the key takeaways that we pulled from the report. You can download the full document here.
Four Vendors are Leading the Pack
Outsystems, Kony, Mendix, and Salesforce are pulling ahead in the low-code platform market while K2, Appian, Oracle, and Alpha Software are listed as strong contenders. Forrester lists Capriza, Magic Software, and i-exceed, as Contenders that provide competitive options as well.
Of Outsystems, Forrester wrote: “The vendor’s strong performance in our analysis reflects its commitment to enterprise customers via extensive low-code tooling for semiprofessional and professional developers. OutSystems Platform’s strengths include its broad features and tools for database, integration, and collaboration, coupled with an extensive set of mobile features.”
New Platforms are Closing the Developer Gap
With an increasing number of businesses looking to go mobile, it can be tough for developers to keep up with the demand. Skilled and experienced mobile application developers are tough to find, so it makes sense that low-code addresses this issue. According to the report, low-code is closing this developer gap by expanding the pool of development talent and accelerating the efforts of professional mobile developers. The report writes that low-code is allowing users who aren’t traditionally trained to build applications with minimum command line coding or experience with programming languages such as Objective-C or Java.
Vendors Must Support Multiple Workloads While Also Allowing for Multiple Types of Mobile Developers
Forrester notes that these development platforms are being used for a myriad of reasons. Among them, is the standard need to develop mobile applications quickly and easily, mobile-enable existing business processes, to create interactive reports or dashboards, and the ability to replace pen and paper with dynamic forms. Beyond the use cases of low-code development platforms, these platforms should also appeal to a wide range of developers, including the aspiring developer, the semi-professional developer, and the professional developer. Each of these comes with their own level of skill and experience and need a platform that accommodates them.
For more information, check out the full report, available here.
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