Only Two Percent of Companies Get Adequate Visibility from MDM / EMM
According to research released by B2M Solutions, while nearly all IT professionals use mobile device management (MDM) or enterprise mobility management (EMM) solutions, only two percent of IT professionals feel these tools deliver adequate visibility into managing mobile issues. This information comes from the 3rd Annual State of Enterprise Mobility Survey and Report, which surveyed over 1,500 companies across the globe on the topics of enterprise mobility.
The key finding from the survey was that as enterprises become more dependant on reliable mobile devices, the number of mobile issues enterprise employees face continues to rise. The number of monthly mobile issues that affect the ability of workers and end-users to do their daily jobs has increased by 16 percent since last year. In addition, half of all workers state that issues happening weekly prevent them from doing their jobs.
Another surprising statistic was how ineffective many IT users felt their MDM and EMM solutions were at providing visibility. B2M found that 97 percent of the enterprise IT teams they surveyed use either an MDM or EMM solution in their work. However, a meager two percent of IT workers answered that they believe their MDM or EMM tools give them the necessary visibility to proactively manage and control mobile issues that interrupt daily operations.
In a press release, B2M Solutions’ Chief Revenue Officer Gary Lee stated: “Despite 97% of companies in our survey having a device management tool like MDM / EMM in place to manage mobility, only 2% of these companies state these tools allow them to proactively manage and control these critical issues. Clearly, there is a need for better solutions that provide more detailed analytics alongside real-time visibility. Proactively spotting and fixing problems, and in some cases even predicting them, is the key to empowering frontline workers and IT teams with the tools they need to keep mobility up and running. Without them, we risk more disruption, lengthier downtime, poorer customer service, and higher costs – all of which companies can ill afford as we look to a more positive pathway into 2021.”
Download your copy of the 3rd Annual State of Enterprise Mobility Survey and Report here.